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Happy Quilting Day!

Today is National Quilting Day and I hope you’re able to spend some time with your fabric and your sewing machine today.

Don’t forget to take advantage of the free shows being offered at The Quilt Show now until the end of Sunday.

Quilt Show Newsletter

Also at The Quilt Show there will be prizes and the chance to win this:


Do you need some more quilting inspiration?  Here’s a few bundles from my stash that are begging to be noticed.  These are some of the latest solids from Marcus Brothers:

Solids from Marcus Brothers
Solids from Marcus Brothers
Solids from Marcus Brothers
Solids from Marcus Brothers
Solids from Marcus Brothers
Solids from Marcus Brothers


And a few more bright and cheery prints from Riley Blake:

Apple of My Eye by Riley Blake
Apple of My Eye by The Quilted Fish for Riley Blake

riley blake top

And a little bit of Noteworthy by Sweetwater for Moda:

Noteworthy by Sweetwater for Moda
Noteworthy by Sweetwater for Moda

And here’s what I have on my kitchen table right now.  I made this at least three years ago. The original pattern came from a McCall’s Quilting magazine.

Spring Table Runner made by Julie Cefalu
Spring Table Runner made by Julie Cefalu

And in my entry way I have one of my favorite table toppers from Heather Mulder Peterson’s book, On The Run:

Spring Table Topper made by Julie Cefalu
Spring Table Topper made by Julie Cefalu

Happy Quilting!

Julie Siggy-1

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  1. I enjoy your blog. It offers many fun project, many I would use. Your instructions are easy to understand. Keep them coming

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