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Sew Thankful Sunday – The Green One!

Sew Thankful Sunday at The Crafty QuilterWelcome to the Green Edition of Sew Thankful Sunday!  Also known as St. Patrick’s Day!

irish blessings wreath @ The Crafty  Quilter

I love green and I am sew thankful for my green fabric scraps.  I had a few ton of them and I made this Irish Blessings wreath several years ago.  You just cut your scraps into various width rectangles (I used a pinking blade) and tie them around a wire hanger (from JoAnn’s I think, but you could use a coat hanger too).  I found the Irish Blessings sign at Michaels.  Easy peasy.

green scraps

Have you ever noticed how green goes with everything?  I was taking pictures in my yard yesterday (because it was such a beautiful day in California) and all of the flowers pair beautifully with green – naturally!  Take a look at green and yellow:

green yellow flowers

And of course there’s green and pink:

green pink flowers

And just a little bit of blue forget-me-nots to go with green and friends:

green blue flowers

And my favorite – green and purple:

green purple

I think we can always find inspiration from nature and it certainly was true when I made my Purple Pansy Quilt:

Purple Pansy Quilt @ The Crafty Quilter

Sew thank you Mother Nature!

I have been a fan of Virginia Lindsay, the creator of Gingercake Patterns,  since the first time I saw her Lucky the Elephant pattern.  Today until March 22nd, she is having a sale on her Modern Folksy Bunny Pattern.  I think it’s as cute as can be and just in time for Easter!  Thank you Virginia for the great deal!

Bunny Sale

Today I am sew thankful for the free patterns available from Riley Blake Designs.  I recently saw this cute pattern called Summer Dance and if you go to their free quilt projects page, you’ll find many more!

Summer Dance, a free quilt pattern from Riley Blake Designs

Thank you, always, for joining me in my appreciation of other’s online contribution to the art of quilting and crafting and my appreciation of life in general (go mother nature)!

Julie Siggy-1

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  1. Such a great post, filled with green goodness! Here at my house, I would have to feature gray and brown from my yard…not going to go there! Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

  2. Almost forgot! Thank you so much for the little garden tour. All we have up here in the PNW right now is bare naked soil – waiting for something green wo pop out!

  3. Love your wreath!!! I need a “summer” wreath really bad. All the other seasons are covered nicely but summer need something all it’s own. You have inspired me! Got scraps!! In lots of colors! What do you think about a rainbow? I could use it on St. Patty’s Day AND during summer!

  4. Julie, your creativity is endless. You’re so amazing…. This is so cute. Thanks again for sharing with us.

  5. Even though I don’t sew, I enjoy reading your posts and seeing what’s new. Love the Irish Blessings Sign. Finally, A project I can do! Love your website Julie and all of your creativity!

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