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Holiday Update

Hey everyone!  I have been a busy bee and just wanted to give you an update on what’s been going on.

This is definitely the season of giving, but yesterday I got to be on the receiving end!  A wonderful customer and student of mine made a beautiful pillow in one of my applique classes and then she gave it to me when it was completed!

Christmas Tree Pillow @ The Crafty Quilter
Christmas Tree Pillow made by Annie Morgan

Thank you so much, Annie!  I love the little details in this pillow.  The sparkle from the rhinestones and the pearl snowflakes make it dance.  I will treasure it!

Christmas Tree Pillow @ The Crafty Quilter
Christmas Tree Pillow made by Annie Morgan

Later that day, I got a visit from one of my blog followers who lives all the way in Norway, and she was visiting her daughter who lives in my hometown of Sunnyvale.  It was lovely visiting with her and she brought me a handmade Norwegian Christmas ornament!

norwegian ornament copyShe knew that I am half Norwegian, so that makes it even more special.  Thank you, Edith!  I absolutely love it!

Here are a few WIP’s that I’ve been working on…

Sew Lux Fabric & Gifts had an anniversary-mystery BOW (block of the week) that I took advantage of.  I love how it’s turning out – I just need to add borders.

Sew Lux Anniversary BOW made by Julie Cefalu
Sew Lux Anniversary BOW made by Julie Cefalu

I made a mug rug from one of my favorite pattern designers, The Patchsmith.  Amanda has the cutest mug rug patterns and they’re quite reasonable!

Snowman Mug Rug made by The Crafty Quilter.  Pattern by The Patchsmith
Snowman Mug Rug made by Julie Cefalu

Speaking of mug rugs, I’ve been working on a tutorial to share with you for a quick mug rug that you make in time for Christmas.  Here’s a sneak peak:

Mug Rug Sneak PeakI’m hoping to have it ready by Friday!  This will be my last Christmas Once a Month installment.  I’ve been asked if I will continue this next year, and the answer is “no”.  BUT, I will be doing some kind of Christmas Quilt Along next year.  I’m not sure what the time frame will be, but I’ll give you plenty of advance notice (September 2014, maybe?).

Last, but certainly not least, I have been quietly working on a project that I have been honored to participate in:  The Quilt Show’s 2014 Block of the Month!

A-Z For Ewe and Me, designed and made by Janet Stone This gorgeous alphabet sampler was designed by award-winning quilter, Janet Stone.  You should see it in person!  The details on this quilt are absolutely stunning.

My part in this? I have been making video tutorials for each month of the BOM that will be aired on The Quilt Show’s website!  AND guess who video taped me?  None other than Alex Anderson, herself!  She is a huge icon in the quilting industry and a very kind and generous lady.  Not to mention a good director!

Julie Cefalu & Alex Anderson
Julie Cefalu & Alex Anderson

And guess where we filmed all of this?  At Alex’s house in her sewing studio!  She has a beautiful home and, OMG, a fabulous studio.  Like, in my wildest dreams kind of studio.  Fortunately, she lives about 45 minutes from me, so my friend and I drove to her home on Monday and spent five hours working with her and her husband.

Alex Anderson's Sewing Studio
A-Z for Ewe and Me Quilt designed by Janet Stone, photo taken at Alex Anderson’s Sewing Studio

Just so you know, I was SO nervous!  I’m definitely not a natural-born actress, but I can teach just about anything.  I was really prepared with my lessons, just not about the video taping process.  I think my nervousness will show on the camera, and of course I look twice as big and twice as old as I think I do!  Where did that double chin come from?  LOL!

I have to thank Mary Kay Davis who recommended me for this job.  She works for The Quilt Show and for The Granary Quilt Shop (with me).  She’s also a pattern designer (Threads on the Floor) and an excellent quilter.  Plus a wonderful person all around!  Thanks, MK!

I’m making my own version of the TQS BOM, and I have two blocks done. The letter “A”:

"A" Block, from A-Z for Ewe and Me, designed by Janet Stone, Made by Julie Cefalu
“A” Block, from A-Z for Ewe and Me, designed by Janet Stone, Made by Julie Cefalu

and “F”:

"F" Block, from A-Z for Ewe and Me, designed by Janet Stone, Made by Julie Cefalu
“F” Block, from A-Z for Ewe and Me, designed by Janet Stone, Made by Julie Cefalu

They’re a little bit more modern than the original version:

"F thru I" Blocks from A-Z for Ewe and Me, designed by Janet Stone, made by Julie Cefalu
“F thru I” Blocks from A-Z for Ewe and Me, designed by Janet Stone, made by Julie Cefalu

The instructions for the blocks have been wonderful.  I love the way Janet over-sizes many of the units and then trims them down later.  That’s my favorite way to make quilt blocks.

If you’re a member of The Quilt Show.com you get free access to the current BOM and so many other classrooms, lessons and quilt shows.  If you’re not a member, you can still see lots of great quilts and take advantage of some of their other resources.

That’s the latest from my world.  I’ll be back in a few days with a little mug rug for you!

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  1. Love your gifts and all your projects… about to start a sampler similar to your sewing sampler… that is super cute… couldn’t find it on that site though… maybe they are sold out now. Have a Merry Christmas and thanks for blogging! Kathi

  2. Your blog is one of my favorites – so full of wonderful info. I am not surprised you’re becoming a TV star. What is amazing is the amount of projects you manage to make. I am particularly looking forward to your upcoming mug rug tutorial.

  3. Wow Julie! You have hit the big time. I’m so excited for you and excited for myself to know a celebrity! You are such an excellent teacher and now so many more people will be able to learn about quilting from you. Congratulations!

  4. I knew it! Your silence was for good reasons! I’m so happy for you and I realise how excited was for you the last days.
    I’m not a member but I love TQS and AA, and now I’m proud of you to teach there. I think this quilt suits you. And your smile is so warm, so don’t worry about how you look on screen, I’m sure it’s perfect!
    The BOW is lovely, I’d like to make it in the future for my studio. About the snowman mug rug, you have such a talent for that, no doubt (my favorite colour is that cup green!), I’ll wait your future tuto.
    At last, but not least, your student’ pillow and the blog follower’ visit and gift…this must be very touching. Congratulation for all!

  5. Wow! You have been busy and have become a tv star, too. Congrats! I always enjoy your blog and am thrilled to see you reaping your harvest. You have planted many, many good seeds. I know you are a good teacher – from your wonderful tutorials. It is very evident in the work of your student. She did a great job on the pillow. When I saw the first picture, I thought the cross stitch. The fabric is a great choice, giving dimension to the tree. The applique is great and she did a wonderful job of finishing it, too. I can hardly wait for The Quilt Show BOM – I love the quilt and I know your videos will be fantastic.

  6. Hi Julie, it was so great to visit with you again, and how sweet of you to post the picture of the little Norwegian ‘Selbu-mitten’ Christmas nisse (elf) on your tree!
    So exciting to hear of your day with AA. The BOM quilt is really lovely, and quite a challenge with all the appliqué work. I have often thought of subscribing to the Quilt Show, and now have a really good excuse……must see you on camera, as I’m sure you will come across brilliantly and be a great teacher!

  7. Julie, I’m new to your site, just a couple months maybe now, but I am not at all surprised that you would be asked to do this. I’ve been impressed and enthused about your site all along. Congratulations! I was on the fence about this BOM (I love the design, but wasn’t sure I wanted to do it), but with you as teacher, I may just sign on–I am a huge fan and subscriber of The Quilt Show. Just wanted to say how happy I felt for you upon reading your post. Congrats again!

  8. How exciting! Met her once at a quilt show. So nice. My guild group , the sassy quilters, were there and she kept calling us the sexy quilters:) by the way I just saw your winter seeds on Pat Sloan’s Facebook page.

  9. It was great to see the special gifts and some of your mystery projects revealed! I love your versions of the A-Z blocks! And your Sew Lux and Patchsmith projects are darling too!! I was lucky enough to enjoy Alex who came and spoke at our quilt guild and showed so many quilts. I think you may have enough flair to become the next quilting icon!

  10. Have to say – when I saw that second mug rug photo (you say you are working on a tutorial for) I thought you had joined the mustache craze. At first glance it looks like a mustache. I wondered if you were growing hair on that snowman.

    Happy Christmas Julie………….Jan

  11. Wow, Julie, you get to rub shoulders with all the big names in quilting. Youare very lucky and its because of your own talent that allows youbto run in their circles. I envy you in a good way of course. Your one of my favs! I cant get any projects completed these last few months due to my worsening sleep disorders that leave me sooo sleepy. I not only have sleep apnea but a form of narcolepsy! I’m falling asleep at red lights while driving, not a safe thing, as well as falling asleep at my sewing machine, while sewing, I might add. Hope the Dr.’s can find a treatment that works. My quilting is really suffering!

  12. You were a perfect person for teaching the video tutorials! Congratulations!

    Your snowman mug rug is a delight! And your blocks featured. Can’t wait to see your last December project for Christmas!

  13. Congratulations Julie! They definitely picked an awesome teacher to do the video tutorials for the new BOM. Your hard work (even if you do love it) is reaping blessings. We are blessed to have your teaching in our quilty lives. Thank you! And Merry Christmas.

  14. What an amazing year you have had, and this Quilt Show project just tops it all of nicely! I’m so happy that you will reach many more quilters, through the network that is always growing. Alex Anderson is one of THE main reasons I have loved quilting for the last 14 years. Her shows on HGTV were filled with inspiration. I’m glad she has kept it going!

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