Another January UFO update and testing

I just spent the last 4 hours in a panic as I stared at a blank, white screen that should have been my blog. I couldn’t even log onto my WordPress dashboard so I was completely helpless. After spending an hour on the phone with my web host (who always fixes things for me) they told me they couldn’t do anything and it was a WordPress issue. Well, WordPress has no phone contact or live support. Just a support forum. Panic ensued. After many frustrating hours, I hired someone from Codeable and they fixed my problem in 20 minutes. It was well worth the $59 I paid (although I’m sure I still have more gray hairs on my head from this morning’s technological problems).  As a matter of fact, if you ever have a problem with your WordPress sight, I highly recommend Codeable.  It was a live chat with someone in Russia, I believe.  And it worked.  I’m still in disbelief!

It turns out that I was running an outdated WordPress theme, so he switched me over to the default theme. If you visit my blog now, it will look a little different than it used to. I’ve wanted to update my blog for a while and now it’s a #1 priority. I’ll be working on that this week.

As it turns out, I scheduled my January UFO completion and linkup post to be published at midnight, last night. Because of the problem with my theme, it didn’t get sent to my subscribers. So, I’m going to republish that post today. I apologize for the inconvenience. I hope it’s smooth sailing from here on out!

I can’t end this without a pretty picture, so here is my finished project for January. You’ll see more pictures soon!

heart quilt on house 2 copy



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  1. Sorry you had such a panic. Glad you were able to get help and got it sorted out. I’m am so out of element with tech. Great job on your quilt. Wow, your quilting is amazing.

  2. I work in IT I understand technical difficulties –grrrr. But there is so much out there that is new and happening some of which I’m still learning myself ! I love hearts and your quilt is beautiful–will comment on other post !!

  3. I share your technological frustrations! … Glad they were resolved (eventually ) …
    I loved that you still ended your blog on an ‘up’ note with your lovely ‘heart-quilt’

  4. I noticed on the previous post that your blog looked completely different. Very scary, no doubt but so glad you got someone to figure out the issue. Good luck with the blog update and VERY cute finish. I just made 2 of those hearts this afternoon for a bee.

  5. what a panic you must have been in, had my computer hacked 2 weeks ago and it was horrid, police involved who were so good and helped a lot.

    So good you got it fixed so quickly

  6. Hi Julie,
    The quilt turned out beautiful. I’ve still got a broken sewing machine so live vicariously through your quilts!

    I had some blogging issues recently, myself, but thank goodness it was only scheduled downtime. It sure does get stressful!

    Love the quilts and blog. Wishing you a happy week!

  7. Great finish, very cute little hearts. I look forward to your new look, technology scares me too, I am still on the free and simply blogger platform.

  8. Oh, Julie. We’ve come to rely on our technology so much these days that when these kinds of glitches happen we tend to panic. I’m sorry for your time of panic and sprouting of gray hairs. Sometimes, these challenges appear in our lives give us new opportunities to do things we’ve been putting off as you mentioned. I’m so glad to hear all is right now with your blog as I sure do enjoy all that you bring to our quilting world. Keep up the incredible job and take care.

  9. I started sweating as you went through your ordeal – been there, done that! So glad you were able to get it squared away…because we really look forward to your blogs. Love the valentine quilt!

  10. I’m like Mary B above, I admire all the quilters who produce wonderful quilts like you do and also have the technical savvy and sheer perseverance to run a successful blog as well!!

  11. When I went on my emails this morning, I was disappointed that your post wasn’t there. I always look forward to reading what you’ve been up to and all your information. Now I understand!!! Sorry you had to go through all that. I don’t understand it all so I wouldn’t be a very good blogger:-) Hope you have a wonderful week.

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