Arrow Stone Quilt Along starts Feb. 27!
I have great news! The Arrow Stone Quilt Along is coming soon! I’ve had many requests to do a quilt along (QAL) for my latest pattern, Arrow Stone. That sounds like a great idea, and I’m finally ready! This will be like taking a class from me, and I’ll have special incentives to keep you on track.

What is a QAL?
A quilt along is basically a guided lesson plan that walks you through the construction of a quilt pattern. They usually last four to twelve weeks, depending on the size and complexity of the project. Lessons are posted on a blog, video channel or email platform. I’ll be posting the lessons here on my blog and I’ll send separate email reminders as well. I’ll also use Instagram to post progress pictures and updates.
The cost of a QAL is usually the price of the pattern and often there is a discount for those that sign up. Sometimes the QAL can be free if it’s not using a commercial pattern. If you want to see an example of a past (free) quilt along, check out my Disappearing 9-Patch QAL.
Sign Up Here!
You can sign up for the Arrow Stone Quilt Along below. Once you’ve signed up, you’ll receive an email with more details and a coupon code for 20% off the Arrow Stone pattern! If you already have the Arrow Stone pattern, you should still sign up so you don’t miss out on any of the QAL information.
Who Should Join
The Arrow Stone pattern is for anyone who is confident with basic piecing skills. I would say that if you’ve only made 2-3 quilts, this will challenge you. If you’ve been quilting for a while and you’re comfortable with most quilt patterns, you’ll still learn some new tricks and stay motivated to finish the quilt. I will be your coach for eight weeks and I’ll guide you through every component of making this quilt. Plus there will be prizes along the way!
The Schedule
The Arrow Stone Quilt Along kicks off on Sunday, February 27, and lasts for eight weeks. I will be making a scrappy version right along with you and sharing all of my tips along the way. Each week we will focus on a different aspect of the pattern.
The Arrow Stone pattern
The Arrow Stone pattern comes with three size options: Baby (38″ x 53″), Throw (53″ x 68″) and Queen (97″ x 97″). It’s made with traditional quilt units that are joined together in a modern layout. Each quilt block measures 15″ x 15″. The instructions comes with yardage requirements along with a chart for making a scrappy version. You can see the beautiful Arrow Stone quilts made by my pattern testers here. As I mentioned earlier, I’ll be making a scrappy version using a variety of peach/rust/tan fabrics from my stash.
Prizes & sponsors
QAL’s are so much more fun with prizes, don’t you think? Plus, they’re good incentives to keep up with the schedule. Each week there will be a prize given to one QAL participant who meets specific criteria. Details on how to enter will be given each week; you will need an Instagram account to be entered. I’m still working on sponsors and I’ll let you know as soon as I have them confirmed. (If you’re interested in being a sponsor and donating a prize, please send me an email!) I’ll be adding a few nice prizes of my own.
Remember to grab the pattern by signing up below! You’ll immediately receive an email with a coupon code for 20% off the Arrow Stone pattern.
While this quilt along is taking place here, I’ll still be sharing other projects I’m working on. It’s going to be a fun and busy few months!
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I am thrilled to be part of your QAL! I have the pattern printed.
As for many, life has been challenging. I have been away from quilting and finally the desire is returning.
Thank you for sharing your skills!
Hi, I am new to this and was wondering if the sessions can be watched in our own time. I work every 2nd Sunday which will make it awkward to join in each week. Ta, Kerine
Hi Kerine,
All of the quilt along content will be posted here, on my blog. All you have to do is read! There are no live classes, although I am considering adding a Zoom class for demonstration purposes. I’m waiting to see how many people sign up and what feels best. Thanks for your interest!