
It’s a Wrap!

I finished the final video taping of The Quilt Show’s block of the month, A-Z for Ewe and Me, designed by Janet Stone, on Friday.  It’s a wrap, and it feels so good to have it completed!

Here is a picture of me in Alex Anderson’s home studio; she is the one holding the camera!

Julie video 640

She is so gracious and made me feel very comfortable (which was soooo appreciated).  Hopefully, I’ll be working more with the TQS gang in the future.

I made this monogrammed mini quilt as a sample for the last video I did.  It’s a great example of how you can take a piece from a quilt and change into a completely different project.

MK Mini copy

This was originally part of the “F” block from the BOM quilt. I added another row of flying geese and widened the center to fit the letters “MK”.  It will be a “thank you” gift for a friend once I get the binding finished.

My F Block


Now that this BOM is over (for me), I get to work on some of my own projects.  I’m hoping to add a few tutorials for you all in September, but first I have to clean my sewing room!  Holy cow, what a mess!

As part of this clean up, I’ll be doing some destashing.  I’m thinking of putting some fabric bundles together and offering them to my blog readers (at a great price). If that sounds good to you, let me know!  I hope you have a great week.



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  1. I love what you did with this block to make it your own. You do amazing work! I saw Janet Stone’s A to Z quilt in January. I searched high and low to find this pattern and finally found it. TQS was very generous to allow me to join in January after the BOM was complete and still get the patterns for this adorable quilt. I am so GRATEFUL to TQS for allowing me to join late and have this pattern. YEEHAW!
    I still need to get back to their site and watch the videos. Thank You for sharing.

  2. Thank you for the wonderful information and guidance through this BOM. I have been teaching myself ti quilt as I go. I have completed all of th alpha blocks. This quilt is Hugh! I think I may not put on the border piece as it will make it too big for my space I plan to hang it in. This was really fun. Again thank you.

  3. Do you have enough fabric for all these de-stash requests 😉

    Maybe you should organise a fabric de-stash swap. As someone said above it is always nice to have fabric from someone else regardless of how much of your own fabric you have 🙂

  4. Can I be your friend?! (since this mini quilt was made for another friend!) Adorable…I may have to make it for my own sewing room (unless I’m befriended and get one!) speaking of sewing room…how about pics of yours (before AND after your clean up session!)

  5. 2 very nice minis, the centre fabric in the first one is very pretty Is that the Alex Anderson whose book Scrap quilting dropped thrpough my letter box on saturday?

  6. Congratulations on finishing The Quilt Show BOM taping!! I love the monogram mini quilt you made – I will definitely give this a try! And I love the idea of fabric bundles -you have some really great fabrics!

  7. Your work is beautiful and I really enjoy the blog! I look forward to seeing what’s next. And yes, I would love to see some of your fabric offerings, too. Thanks!

  8. Hi Julie…another Canadian here! Would love to be part of your destashing. I have been following you whilst making Ewe & Me quilt. PS: What happened to the letter “S”…hmmm! I guess I’ll have to wait and see LOL! Great job on the videos.


  9. Congratulations on completing TQS’s BOM video tapings! I do hope to see more of your work with TQS in the future! I’m so thankful to have that resource to turn to when I finally get my ABC BOM started…and we quilters are blessed to have your instruction both on video and at the shop. Enjoy your free time!

  10. Hi Julie,
    Hope you get time to relax a bit with your own projects now. It’s always a little bit nerve-wracking with quilt projects ‘to order’ although you seem to have had a great experience being a celebrity!
    Sounds like a great idea to sell off some fabric bundles, I’m looking forward to seeing what you have,(especially as I’m in Sunnyvale until 9/17 🙂

  11. The stash selling sounds great, I love your work. I’m just now coming to the end of radiation therapy & I think I will be able to get into quilting again without getting “seasick!” YUK!

  12. Congratulations Julie on wrapping up your final taping session for The Quilt Show bom. I’ve enjoyed watching each and every one of them. You make learning how to do these steps so easy and I enjoy all the tips, too. Sure, show us what you’re destashing… a gal can always find room for a little more fabric, right? 😉

  13. Sounds like you had quite a week. I’m definitely interested in your destashing fabrics. Please let us know when they are available. Love your blog.

  14. Your idea to destash is a great idea. Sharing that wealth with us is an awesome idea. Thanks in advance.

  15. The block is so darn cute. I am looking forward to your future tutorials. Yes, I am definitely interested in your stash, destashing is a pain, but it would be a joy for me to get some new stash.
    Linda King

  16. WOW Julie — Congratulations on the BOM with TQS — what a fantastic adventure and your work is just fabulous!! Good for you! I would LOVE to see what you’re destashing… even though I don’t need any 😉 Take good care.

  17. Yes – I would definitely like to add more fabric to the stash!
    I love the little monogram quilt, such a great gift idea.
    Congrats on finishing the quilt!

  18. I would love to see your de-stash bundles. I have really gotten into this scrappy quilt stuff lately to use up mine so it would be nice to add some of your lovely fabrics.

  19. Congratulations on finishing the quilt show Quilt on the Month! (gorgeous quilt by the way) and yes I’d like to know about what you destash, even though I really should organize first!

  20. Love the block. I’ve come late to your blog and am enjoying it very much. I will look forward to participating in the Sept. Tutorials. Certainly I’ll look forward to the bundles as I need to keep loading the stash. 🙂 .

  21. It is always to tidy up and de-stash. You never know what you might find or even forgotten you had. I would be interested in your fabric bundles. It is always fun to have someone elses fabric in your own fabric stash.

    Sandi Timmons
    [email protected]

  22. Hej Julie!
    Jag tror att det är en epidemi med detta, att “städa Syrum” !!
    Jag håller också på att städa mitt syrum !! Om det går bra? Njae, jag hittar så många roliga projekt ……som har hamnat underst på något sätt ……
    Kul med de gömda eller glömda tygerna, det ser jag framemot!!

  23. Congratulations on completing your BOM with The Quilt Show. What an accomplishment and quite a feather in you cap! If you think your sewing room is a mess, you should see mine. It would make you feel much better (and I have no BOM excuse, either – it’s just a continuous work in progress. I would be very interested in your stash-busting samples if you put them up for sale, Julie. Congratulations again on a job very well done. I love watching your videos!

  24. The block looks lovely and I’m looking forward to some tutorials!

    I’d definitely be interested in de-stash fabrics, even small pieces. Good luck with that tidy up !! 🙂

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