One more day to link up!

You have one more day to link up your Spring Petals Table Toppers!  The linky will be open until the end of the day, June 5, 2015.

I love seeing all of the beautiful projects so far.  You guys are amazing!

Spring Petals QAL @ The Crafty Quilter

If you’ve missed any part of this quilt along, you can find all of the information, along with tutorials, at The Spring Petals Quilt Along Page.  These lessons will always be there, so you can start your new table topper any time you want.

If you want some inspiration for your next project, check out all of the table toppers that have been added to the link up so far, here.  I am truly amazed at your creativity and so thankful for your participation!

Remember, if you have any problems linking up your project, you can email me ([email protected]) with your photos and I’ll add them to the linky for you.

I’ll pick THREE winners on Saturday, June 6.  The prizes are two $25 gift certificates to The Fat Quarter Shop and one prize package from me.


prize package
Spring Petals QAL Prize Package

Good luck!


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One Comment

  1. Hi Julie
    Oh, I love your Spring Petals Quilt Along!! This is an absolute must for me!! It fits so nicely on your table! I’m going to make one for each of my lamp tables along with one that fits my coffee table to match!! I haven’t been sewing a lot lately as we had our home re-shingled along with new rain gutters! What a mess! But it looks so nice! I’m now just going to start making mine! I went back into your other tutorials. I LOVE your Christmas one too! Oh what the heck! I’ll make them for each season!! I LOVE to change for each season!! Keep up the great tutorials!! I also found the Modern patchwork magazine that features your ‘Color block bucket bag’ found it at Barnes & Noble!! You did a wonderful job on that bag!! My granddaughter is making one!! She is 14 & really has picked up the talent for sewing!! Wonder who she inherited that from! Lol Makes me ‘sew’ happy to see her doing all this sewing!! And, loving it ‘sew’ much!! Thank you for sharing all this fun stuff with us!! Have a wonderful day!

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