July UFO project and other WIP’s

Hey everyone!  I’ve got my July UFO project chosen and laid out.  How about you?  Are you still with me in saying goodbye to your UFO pile this year?

This month I’ll be tackling the applique borders for my A-Z for Ewe and Me quilt.  This quilt was started in 2014 as I created video lessons for each block of the month for The Quilt Show.  I’ve set aside three months this year to finally put the quilt together.   In April, I stitched all of the alphabet blocks and sections together (after completing a little more applique. )  Now it’s on to the borders!

A to Z for Ewe and Me, border section, made by Julie Cefalu

A to Z for Ewe and Me, border section, made by Julie Cefalu

A to Z for Ewe and Me, border section, made by Julie Cefalu


Speaking of UFO’s, this is the last day to add a photograph of your completed UFO project to the link up for June.  I’ll choose two entries and they’ll receive a nice little prize package, so there’s even more incentive to participate!  Plus, I love seeing what you’ve been accomplishing.

Yesterday I found some time to work on my Splendid Sampler blocks.  I tackled an easy one, a moderate one and finished up another that I started a few weeks ago.  It felt good to work on these little 6 1/2″ blocks.  So far, I have about 15 completed.

Splendid Sampler Blocks made by Julie Cefalu


One last thing.  I shared a gallery of photos from my recent trip to Scandinavia in a blog post last week.  If you receive my blog updates through an email provider (the majority of you do), the photos did not show up in that post.  I’ve had a few people ask why I didn’t post any pictures.  I’m not sure why the gallery didn’t publish, but if you’re curious about those pictures, you can just click over to my blog here, and you can take a look at them.  Here’s a peek at one of my favorites:

The Cefalu's in Norway
The Cefalu’s on a ferry in the fjords


I hope you’re having a good week and getting some sewing time in!  Thanks for stopping by!

Julie 176 x 116

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  1. I have been reading about your UFO projects, but haven’t done any thing with my own pile until this month. I finally finished my first UFO of the year. Thanks for your inspirations and thanks again for your help last April.

  2. Julie, your work is just beautiful! I so love your sampler quilt. What a delightful trip you all must have had! I see five happy travelers there! Enjoy your weekend! XO

  3. I am slowly getting started on July. I have to organize my thoughts on how to proceed. And I am also trying to work on Christmas presents. Last year I was behind due to shoulder surgery. So, that being said….I am loving the 2016 UFO challenge. It feel really positive to finish projects that have been put aside. Thank you Julie for coordinating this.

  4. I joined the Quilt Show site specifically for this A-Z for ewe and me quilt. I have been putting off getting my fabrics together but have decided its time to get my main fabrics while I can still find them. I love your quilt. Its so fun to see it. Thank You for showing your progress.

    You have a lovely family. I’m so happy you were able to make this trip together.

  5. Oh my, how old am I getting? I forgot that I’d finished an embroidery, sewing project in June. The framer called to say that it was done and that’s why I remembered. Duh! So…I went to the rules and saw that I still could link up today – which I did. “Sew Laugh Love” was designed by Leanne Beasley of Leanne’s House I ordered the kit and began the embroidery in March 2013. I added a scalloped border which I stitched down using a buttonhole stitch. After completing the border I took it to the framer. Hurrah!

  6. Love your work! Ewe and Me is too cute!!
    You are definitely an inspiration. You have a lovely family too!!

  7. Julie your sampler quilt is beautiful! And, you look fantastic. Hope your summer is going well and that I get to see you around the shop some time!

  8. Julie your sampler quilt is beautiful! And, you look fantastic. Hope your summer is going well and that I get to see you around the shop some time!

  9. I did get some work done on my June UFO but then started (and finished!!) a new project which meant the June UFO got sidetracked. I’m back working on the Leah Day Building Blocks QAL quilt and it’s now my July UFO.
    I love that flimsy you made – Ewe and Me, I think. Can’t wait to see what you do with the quilting. It’s be spectacular, I’m sure.

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