Thanksgiving turns to Christmas

Thanksgiving has come and gone, just.  We had the whole gang for the long weekend and it was glorious.  There was lots of cooking going on (and on…), but there were plenty of helpers to both cook and clean.


This morning, we said goodbye to Kelly, Steven and little Amelia.  We had them for a whole week and the house was full of laughter, energy and play dough.

We had some beautiful weather in the bay area, so there was lots of outdoor time.  We even got to spend one day at the beach.


One of my favorite moments was when Amelia asked me to sew her a dress.  My heart just about burst!  I talked her into helping me make a bean bag out of her favorite fabric.  What a dream come true for this grandma.


Now it’s time to focus on all things Christmas.  I just put away the fall decorations and by the end of this weekend, Christmas will have arrived at our house.

I have been thinking about what I can make with the time I have left before the holidays. Watch for my blog post this Friday full of gift ideas to make from your sewing room!

Gifts to make and give from your sewing room @ The Crafty Quilter

Happy sewing!

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  1. Happy times … we all, who have family, are so lucky … … … and the joy of grand-children never fails to amaze me … a quote that always seems to bring tears ( of inexplicable joy) is … ‘She laid on my chest and her breathing filled me to almost beyond what I could hold’

  2. Qué familia más bonita tienes! Tu nieta es muy linda y la foto en la que “te está enseñando a coser” () es preciosa.
    Te deseo de todo corazón que tengas unas fiestas muy felices y que el próximo año sólo os traiga cosas buenas.
    Un abrazo,
    P.D.: Tu blog sigue siendo de lo mejor.

  3. What a wonderful time to have all your family with you on Thanksgiving! You have so much to be thankful for. When Amelia spends more time learning to sew, she will become a great sewer like grandma! Looking forward to Friday’s blog. Need some good ideas. Thank you so much for sharing your wonderful family time with us all. God Bless you and your family.

  4. Thank you Julie for sharing your family and Thanksgiving festivities with us. Looking forward to your blog on Friday.

  5. What a beautiful family picture, Julie. It looks like you have lots to be thankful for! Your holidays sound like they are full of joy. So happy for you. I am impressed by how organized and peaceful your buffet looks at Thanksgiving. Ours is always so harried and I usually have some recipes still out and mixed among the casseroles. One of these days…..
    Thanks for sharing and inspiring, as usual.

  6. Oh, what a joyous time you must have had!!!! I live alone, my dear husband passed away when he was only 45 of a sudden heart attack 35 years ago. And my BEAUTIFUL 5 y/o dog, who was like a child to me, got hit by a car and died during surgery on Nov. 19th!!!! But, our Lord is faithful and has carried me through. I can only imagine a house full of laughter and Play dough!!!!! My 2 granddaughters are 14 and 19 now and too busy to sew with Granna now!
    God bless you and your beautiful family. Merry Christmas from the hills of East TN.

  7. What a happy post, Julie! I always look forward to reading your posts and in this one I could feel the warmth and love as I read your beautifully composed words. That Amelia is a sweet and gorgeous – and lucky! – little girl! Enjoy decorating for Christmas and enjoy your December!

  8. Hello Julie; It was wonderful seeing the photos of your family enjoying time together. Thank you for sharing such a special time with us. I always enjoy your posts, although I do not comment very often, and gain wonderful ideas and enjoy your tutorials and projects each and every one! I am now a Great Auntie to an adorable baby, not quite 2 yet, who I think will love the bean bags as a Christmas Gift. Such a brilliant idea to have your Granddaughter help with. Thank you for sharing and have a great day!

  9. beautiful family and just threil to see grandchild enjoying with grandma and learning something from her this will be good memory god bless you enjoy have a wonderfull holidays

  10. Such a beautiful family and the dinner table looked so yummy! How do you do it all????? I want the secret recipe!

  11. How glorious for you to have all the kids and their friends/partners, too! It must have felt like a Thanksgiving from the Waltons on TV. That’s what I used to think that’s what I wanted mine to be, but my kids have all scattered to the winds. Amelia is so adorable, and I truly understand how you felt when she was helping you sew a bean bag! I hope they all get to come back for Christmas! Looking forward to Friday’s post.

    xo Linda

  12. What great pictures! It’s so nice to spend time with family…
    I am looking forward to seeing (and making) your gift ideas.

  13. Wonderful photos, I do love hearing from you and seeing your family.
    Happy christmas to you and yours
    Hugs from
    Gayle Australia

  14. I am glad you mentioned sewing a bean bag for your granddaughter. They are one of my two year granddaughter’s favorite things to play with! Not those expensive, noisy, battery operated toys she has, she likes the bean bags. She hides them under cushions, stacks them, puts them on top of her head, plays Perk a boo with them, tosses them to her stuffed animals, etc. loves them! A great Christmas gift for the kids!

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