Latest summer happenings

Summer is officially here! One of the things I love about it is the summer produce. We are so lucky to live in an area with an abundance of fresh, local fruits and vegetables. The apricot stand near our house just opened and the nectarines, peaches and berries are in full swing. Time to start making jams and cobblers!

I just pulled out my Summer Fun wall hanging and it’s so bright and happy. If you’d like to make one, you can find a series of free tutorials at my Summer Fun QAL from 2018. I’m working on turning these into one cohesive pattern which should be available in a few weeks.

Summer Fun Wall Hanging made and designed by Julie @ The Crafty Quilter.  Free series of tutorials!
Summer Fun Wall Hanging @ The Crafty Quilter Designs
Summer Fun Wall Hanging made and designed by Julie @ The Crafty Quilter.  Free series of tutorials!

I’m still finishing up a sample for a new pattern that is long overdue. It’s a 3-in-1 pattern that is a great skill builder. Outside of that, there are so many BOM’s and QAL’s going on right now and I wish I could do them all! I recently finished block 7 of Red at Night 2 that I’m co-teaching at The Granary Quilt Shop. I just received my packet of instructions and material for the Strawberry Garden Mystery Sampler from Fig Tree Quilts, so I’ll be working on that too.

Block 7 of Red at Night 2 made by Julie Cefalu.  Pattern by Bound to Be Quilting.
Block 7 of Red at Night 2, made by Julie Cefalu; pattern by Bound to Be Quilting

I just discovered that the Moda Bake Shop is doing a free Summer in the Garden quilt along. It just started last month and will include 12 blocks and 6 bonus blocks with a garden theme. I wish I could join this one, but I know the time commitment doesn’t fit into my schedule. But maybe it will for you!

Aside from quilting, we visited my daughter and her partner in Seattle for a long weekend. We missed the nice weather, but I did get to visit Poulsbo with just the girls for a day. It’s a cute Norwegian town just East of Seattle. It definitely reminded me of Norway in weather and Scandinavian charm. I also experienced my first ferry ride in the states.

Poulsbo, Washington - June 2021
Makayla, Nicole and Julie in Poulsbo, WA.

Last weekend we celebrated Father’s Day with our youngest daughter at a beautiful winery in the Santa Cruz mountains. The weather was perfect and the setting is just gorgeous. It really felt like we were in Italy! Molto bello!

Sara, Julie & Allen at Regale Winery, June 2021

This week I’m going to take a break from quilting for a little bit and enjoy the summer. I’ll have plenty of quilting updates to share later next week. Happy Summer!

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  1. I am surprised that was your first ferry ride in the states…I love them so. It is a good thing as we need one to get to the island in Maine we are on (10 minutes from Portland ME – so a commuting island with 12 round trips all year long). It was funny to hear our neighbor describe her son’s view of Seattle and the rain and drizzle that is persistent. I too am stepping away a bit, not completely, maybe just to do more of what I want for the next two months and enjoy the summer.

  2. I remember making the Summer Fun little quilt, but don’t remember if I quilted it or gave it to my daughter to quilt! It was so cute and I learned new techniques. Thanks for the updates and for the lovely pictures! I never heard of Poulsbo but it sure looks like a cute little town and Santa Cruz, ah, sun and fun and family. Enjoy Julie.

  3. Good morning. Your Summer Fun wall hanging is darling. I love the quilting on it. Even though I just retired, I’ll never be able to do all the cute projects that I would like! I am going to do the pillow sew along with Fig Tree and Co. which just started this week. Thanks for sharing your family photos, lots of fun spending time with the ones you love.

  4. Your canned goods look yummy! Love seeing family pics. As much as we love quilting , family is what it’s all about. Have fun!!

  5. I thought I sent this earlier, but maybe not. Poulsbo is WEST of Settle, not East 🙂 🙂 In spite of that of that goof, I so admire you. I wish I had time to do all of your patterns and ideas that you share with us.

  6. Poulsbo is WEST of Seattle–not East. 🙂 🙂 I’m sure it was a slip of the fingers on the keyboard. 🙂 Wish I could do all of your fabulous quilts/patterns. I totally enjoy all of your posts

  7. Poulsbo is actually west of Seattle across Puget Sound, not east toward the Cascade mountains

  8. The Santa Cruz photo is very inviting. Dining Al Fresco under a lovely tree and with dappled sunshine. I’m a deep-rooted Pennsylvania girl but have been to California many times and Santa Cruz was one of my favorite places – it’s gorgeous.

  9. Wish I was there Julie,..freezing down here in Australia!!….love all your family ohotos. Cheers.

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