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Quilt projects and grandkids have been keeping me busy

I can’t believe it’s been two weeks since I last blogged! Quilt projects have been keeping me busy along with “all the things”, and time has just run amuck. The last time I posted here, I was getting ready to launch a new Zoom class, Possibilities, through my local quilt shop, The Granary. We had our first of five classes on Tuesday. I designed the pattern as a skill-builder type of project, and I’m still getting the final pieces of the pattern finished. I’ll have it available in my Etsy Shop eventually.

My recent quilt projects include my Possibilities Quilt, designed by me, Julie Cefalu.
Possibilities Quilt, Option 3

As I teach this class, I’ll be making Option 2 of this quilt. It’s set on-pointe and measures 59″ square. I’m using fabric from the Charleston Collection and Les Petits, both by Amy Sinibaldi for Art Gallery Fabrics. These have been living in my stash for a few years and they’re just perfect for this project.

Fabric for a new quilt project is from the Charleston and Les Petits collections by Amy Sinibaldi for Art Gallery Fabrics.

My EQ software is so handy to visualize the quilt in my fabric choices. Below you can see what it will look like, even though the scale and brightness is off a bit.

Possibilities Quilt Option 3 in Art Gallery Fabrics.  Pattern by Julie Cefalu @ The Crafty Quilter.

The first block we made is the Crossroads block. We’re starting off very easy; I love a simple, traditional block.

First quilt block in the Possibilities Quilt, designed and made by Julie Cefalu @ The Crafty Quilter

My other reason for being absent here is a trip to Austin to visit the grandkids. We couldn’t stand to be away any longer, so we braved the (quiet) airports, tested for Covid before we left and when we returned home, and made sure to follow all of the safety protocols. It was worth the effort because these kids are growing up fast! Amelia is five, Clara will be three in March and Ben just turned one. I love this stage of grandparenthood when they run into your arms the minute you walk in the door and want to be with you all the time! I think it’s called the celebrity phase. 🙂

I made a doll tent for Clara, so now the girls each have one of their own. They loved playing with it. Even Ben tried to get in on the action.

The pattern for the tent came from WonderfulWellies Etsy shop and it fits a 14″ doll (Wellie Wisher doll size) perfectly. I used fabric for the outside of both tents from the Shine Bright Collection by Katie Webb Designs for Clothworks. It’s hard to find now, but Etsy will probably come up with something.

Now it’s time for us crafters to start thinking of the next holiday. If you want to make something quick for Valentine’s Day, you might enjoy my Ombre Heart Tutorial from several years ago. It just brings me joy to sew something seasonal even though I have no plan to use it for a bigger project.

Ombre Heart Tutorial from The Crafty Quilter is perfect for Valentine's Day

I can’t believe the first month of the year is almost gone already. I don’t want to let go of that “fresh start feeling.” I still have lists to make and quilt projects to plan! I’ll be sharing some ideas for upcoming projects for The Crafty Quilter. As you all know, sew many projects and sew little time!

Happy Quilting!

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  1. Thanks for posting your ombré heart pattern I received moved and I will be unpacking forever so my ombré heart pattern is crying to get out but you saved this valentine day thanks again

  2. so happy for you to be able to spend time with your grandkids. The time spent with them is so special. I look forward to your blog posts whenever you are able to post. Will you be teaching a class at your sister’s store in Lincoln anytime in the future? I was finally able to stop in in store a couple of weeks ago. It is a fun shop with some great fabrics. The ladies were so nice and helpful. Thanks for letting me know about it.

  3. You are right! They are growing up so quickly. I loved all the pictures, especially Ben in those bright yellow boots! How cute is he? Glad you enjoyed and all are safe. Thanks for the smiles!

  4. Julie, I always love seeing your work! I admire your skills and how clean and accurate your blocks look. Your family is a beautiful. Thanks for sharing with us.

  5. God Bless your beautiful family . My grands, are all grown ups, all hooked to their Tablets, Mobiles and who know what other devises, still very lovable and caring for Gandma

  6. Hello Julie, I am interested in joining the “quilt along” however the 7pm time does not work for me. Once we sign up and pay would we receive a link to each zoom so we could watch at a later time?

  7. Love the photo of all your grandchildren but the one of Ben in his yellow rainboots is priceless. Yes they grow up faster than our own children do! Glad you were able to take the trip to Austin. As always, love your quilting ideas!

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