
Wednesday WIP’s

This seems like a good day to share some Wednesday WIP’s with you all.  The biggest work in process at the moment is our next granddaughter whose arrival date is today!  This picture of our daughter, Kelly, and Amelia was taken 25 days ago, but I photo-shopped the number to zero.  Baby sister has only gotten bigger and more active since then.

Kelly and Amelia Cutbirth waiting for baby sister to arrive!



I’ll let you know as soon as she arrives.  For now, everyone is waiting patiently (well, you know, kind of).  Spring has arrived in Texas and someone is ready for baseball season….


I am working on baby sister’s quilt and matching doll quilt with no pictures to share yet.  But, I do have some photos of this month’s blocks for the various quilt alongs I’ve been following.

The first is my Quilter’s Planners blocks for March.  I am sizing each block down by half and then by half again.  So, mine are 6 1/2″ and 3 1/2″ unfinished.  And they are so sweet together!

2018 QP Sampler Quilt Block 3 made by Julie Cefalu
2018 QP Sampler Quilt Block 3 made by Julie Cefalu, Pattern designed by Cheryl Brickey



I’m planning on making each block a different color of the rainbow and using my stash of Alison Glass fabrics from Andover.  The background fabric is Essex Linen in charcoal.  Here are the first three blocks together.


I’m sewing along with Heartland Heritage 2018 thanks to Amy Ellis and Heather Valentine of Inspiring Stitches.  I just love this month’s block, Star Bright.  It’s a great opportunity to showcase a favorite print in the center.

Starlight Block from Heartland Heritage QAL, made by Julie Cefalu
Starlight Block from Heartland Heritage QAL, made by Julie Cefalu


I’m using my collection of Nature Walk by Tamara Kata.  I love this fabric line!  I’ve added some complimentary fabrics from my stash and it’s really making me happy.

Heartland Heritage Blocks made by Julie Cefalu. Pattern from Inspiring Stitches


If you’re a fan of Nature Walk, then you’ll love Tamara’s newest fabric line, Joy, which should be available at local quilt shops and online now.  These two lines play really well together.

Joy and Nature Walk Collections by Tamara Kate for Michael Miller Fabrics
Joy and Nature Walk Collections by Tamara Kate for Michael Miller. Image source: Tamara Kate


I just finished this week’s Watermelon block for the Patchsmith’s Sampler Sew Along.  It’s so cute and yummy!

Watermelon block made by Julie Cefalu. Pattern from the Patchsmith’s Sampler


I love using my scraps for these 6″ blocks.  It’s going to take a lot of watermelon to make a dent, but you know.  That’s not the point.  Here are the first three blocks:


That’s all of my Wednesday WIP’s for now.  I’ll be working on my blocks for the Vintage Sampler BOM at The Granary today.  Then I’ll be caught up, and that will last for about one week.  There’s never enough time in the day!

Have a great day and happy Spring!

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  1. Hi Julie, love your quilt with matching doll quilt. So adorable! Especially love your pictures of your growing family. Happy to see Amelia has chosen wisely in which baseball team to support. Enjoy this joyous time with your family.

  2. JULIE!!!!!! Who could see the beauty in those quilt blocks after seeing the photos of your beautiful little blondie!!! My Amelia is a blond too!!! Your little Amelia is a doll!!!!!!! (My Amelia entered her 1st quilt contest when she was only 6! Won 1st place and Best of Show!!!! She is 14 now and has traded her sewing machine for competitive cheerleading! I never see her now!)

  3. Beautiful daughter and granddaughter and your blocks are always so lovely. Your idea of doing the planner blocks in a rainbow spectrum against that yummy gray background is such a good choice. Look forward to seeing it evolve. Thanks for sharing all these wonderful pictures. And of course sending loads of blessings to everyone in the growing family (including the extended family!). : )

  4. Beautiful blocks as always. Never enough time but every blessing for the safe arrival of your new granddaughter. Your daughter and Amelia are both gorgeous.

  5. Enjoy your new grandbaby – looks like such fun already with Amelia!
    I love your blocks – isn’t that Patchsmith Sewalong FUN?!?!? That charcoal background fabric is speaking my language. I think I’ll have to make something with some Essex Linen soon. It’s luscious to stitch!

  6. Congrats-i can’t wait to have another one–grandbaby that is! 🙂 My son moved 10 min from us in January so it’s nice to see my little guy Byron more often now (17 months old). I’m limiting my quilt alongs so i don’t get stressed out -because-there is not enough time in a day-week-or weekend! grrr I know your quilts are going to be so nice and a block of the month seems more productive-and more accurate as to not feeling rushed. I’m thinking of starting up with another group but will see. Thanks for sharing-i know you are not only excited-but on edge! We are on standby too…. 🙂

  7. Your blocks are lovely — I am still trying to decide if I should forge ahead with the Patchsmith and Heritage samplers. Not enough hours in the day for me!! Thanks for your inspiration.

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