The giveaway winner is….

I let it go an extra day, but I do have two winners of my Quilter’s Motto give away!

The first prize, which is the Quilter’s Motto panel (printed) plus a mini-charm pack from Moda, goes to #18, Jenelle!  Congratulations, Jenelle!

The second prize which is the completed Quilter’s Motto wall hanging goes to comment #9, Sharon B! Woo Hoo!

I’ll send out an email to both of you to get your mailing address and get those out to you right away!

I used the True Random Number Generator to pick the winners, but I don’t know how to put the screen shot of the winning numbers on my blog.  You’ll have to take my word for it!

I’m so terrible at this – I really wish that everyone could be a winner!  Thank you so much for participating and for all of the lovely comments.  It’s such a gift to me that you’re all reading and (hopefully) enjoying my blog!

Have a happy day!



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  1. Hi Julie,
    I have just found your website, I was searching for little crafty ideas as my sewing group makes a little something for each member, for Xmas.
    This is just the site I need I am sure I will find lots of crafty things to make.
    It is such a good group.

    I live in Australia, on the Central Coast of Sydney N.S.W
    I have always loved sewing, but do more Quilting theses days.

    Looking forward to more new Ideas.
    Thank You.

    June B Hickman

  2. I am not sure if the winner was me or what on here, #9 for the give away Motto, it said Sharon B…….do not think it is but just checking, I know I have been on and off here so not sure…thanks and just love this so much…….

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