
Simply Stars QAL, Star Block Tips

Today I’m sharing my Star block tips for the Simply Stars Quilt Along hosted by Fat Quarter Shop. You can find all of the details for this QAL at Fat Quarter Shop’s Jolly Jabber Blog.

Star Block Tips

Each Star block contains four flying geese units, so I highly recommend making the flying geese using the 4-at-a-time method. This is the most fast and efficient way to make them! I also like to oversize them, so I can trim them to the perfect size. The process for this technique is shown below.

To use this technique, you need to know the finished size of the flying geese unit. You can find this is the book, Simply Half Yards by It’s Sew Emma, which is required for this QAL. Then you can determine what size to cut the large square (geese body) and the small squares (geese wings). Check out my blog post, Two Method for Oversized Flying Geese that details this process along with a cutting chart for 16 different sizes of flying geese.

I pressed my seam allowances so that I had nesting seams throughout the construction. If you have an accurate 1/4″ seam allowance, this Star block should go together very easily!

I love the yellow print fabric shown above! It has a modern Tole painted vibe that is so pretty. The fabric is from the Nutmeg Collection by Basic Grey for Moda Fabrics, and will be available in stores this December.

There are 16 Star blocks for this quilt, so it should keep you busy for a while. The cutting guides for the next block will be released in TWO weeks. This will give you time to work on the Star Blocks and enjoy the Thanksgiving holiday (if you’re in the US).

Make sure to check out the other QAL participants to see their blocks!

Remember to share your progress with the hashtag #SimplyStarsQAL so we can see your work!

Thanks for visiting and I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

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