Happy Mother’s Day

I made this card for my mom for Mother’s Day and I thought I would share it with you.

Mother's Day Card @ The Crafty Quilter

I think we all wear the hat of mother at some point in our lives, whether we are a parental mother or not.  Women tend to mother in many ways to the things we cherish.  I do cherish all of you who follow me, and I appreciate the online community so much!  I wish you ALL a Happy Mother’s Day!



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  1. Happy, Happy, Happy Mother’s Day! You are a blessing to all of us. I know your biological children cherish you.

  2. I hope that you have a very nice Mother’s Day!
    I too, thank you for all of the wonderful items that you share with your followers!

  3. Hi Julie,
    What a pretty card….I love the embossing! I’m sure your Mother will cherish it. I see there are others who would also love to hear how you made it. Have a wonderful Mother’s Day and I hope to see you this summer.

  4. What a lovely card – I’m sure that your Mom will cherish it! Thank you Julie, and Happy Mother’s Day to you as well 🙂 and thank you for all that you do for us as well – you are loved by so many!

  5. Adorei receber este cartão. Lindo e delicado. Feliz Dia das Mães também. Um beijo no coração.

  6. Happy Mothers Day to you Julie. Hope it is a good one for you.
    PS I left block 11 in your drawer at the shop.

  7. Julie,
    Very pretty card. Could you share how you made it? I have been researching die cutting and bonding equipment, but don’t know where to start. And such a lovely stamping technique.
    Oh, and Happy Mothers day!

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