Introducing Pattern Jam

Hey everyone!  I have a special guest on the blog today, Emily Taylor.  Emily is an artist who designs fabric for Riley Blake Designs, and she is the creator of a fabulous website, Pattern Jam.  It’s a great design tool that I’ve been playing around with recently, and I’m so happy to have Emily share more details with you!

patternjamlogo2xTake it away, Emily:
Thank you, Julie, for giving me the opportunity to introduce your readers to me and my new web-application for quilters! I have been designing fabric for Riley Blake Designs for 6 years now, and have created over a dozen collections for them! I really love what I do because I love beautiful fabric, I love quilts and I love the community of compassionate people that are quilters!

Here is a snapshot of my newest collection, “Chatsworth”, that will be arriving in September:

Chatsworth by Emily Taylor


Part of what I do to promote each collection is design quilt patterns for use at the International Quilt Market to show off my fabric. About 18 months ago, I decided that it was time to create a web-application that enabled quilters to design a quilt pattern but to also preview their choice of designer fabric in their pattern! This was the idea for PatternJam!

On PatternJam, users can interact creatively with the most current designer fabric to determine what their project will look like prior to investing time and money into it. And the best part is that the functionality on PatternJam is FREE to use! In addition to designing your own quilt pattern, there are many patterns created by well know designers, like Bonnie Christine, Amy Smart, Crazy Old Ladies, Allison Harris and more that are available to customize, purchase and download!

Here’s a quick video to illustrate how fun and easy it is to use PatternJam to customize a quilt pattern with your choice of fabric:


Now, you can see this exact quilt pattern here: for details about the pattern and fabric that I used! When you sign up and your credentials are activated to use PatternJam, you can customize your own profile page~ here’s mine:

Emily Taylor's profile page on PatternJam


One thing that quilters have requested is the ability to take a photo and upload their OWN stash of fabric into PatternJam. Guess what? That is exactly what you can do (if the thousands of new and upcoming fabrics don’t catch your eye)!

My team and I have just launched PatternJam, and we invite you to head on over to to sign up to be among the very first users on the platform! When you bring along 5 of your friends, I will send you a nice little bundle of fabric for helping me to spread the word!

I look forward to having you join me on PatternJam~ I can’t wait to see what you create! Please stay in touch with me… give me your feedback and suggestions about PatternJam, would you? Find me on Facebook, Pinterest or Instagram and FOR SURE find me on PatternJam!

Cheers, Emily Taylor

EmilyTaylor in studio


Thanks, Emily.  It’s nice to get to know you better!  I have been so excited about PatternJam and how easy it is to use.  I love playing with different fabric collections and creating new quilt patterns with them.  Here’s an example of a mini flag quilt that I designed:

patternjam mini flag


You can decide how big you want your blocks to be, whether or not to include sashing or borders, and how many fabrics to include.  I’ve had my eye on the fabric collection, Festive Forest, ever since it was released and I was able to see how it looks in this quilt design before buying the fabric:

patternjam foxy forest copy

There’s a nice array of fabric collections at PatternJam, and I love the fact that I can upload my own fabric stash, too.  It’s just as much fun to play with virtual fabrics, plus I can mix and match different collections (and it’s free)!

I hope you give it a try and let me know what you think!


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  1. Julie this is something extra special, took me a while to get accepted then I had a play, if I can more or less understand everyone will, many many thanks for sharing this with us. Unfortunately do not know who to share with friends so no fabric bundle for me!

  2. This is awesome! Easy peasey! Trying to get my 5 friends to sign up so I can get a fabric bundle–like I need more fabric!

  3. HI Julie, What a fantastic idea and tool this is. Can’t wait to try it out. I always have trouble “imagining” my final project and this will be a great help! A few of Emily’s fabric designs reminded me of Verna’s – the romantic florals.Thanks for sharing this with us!

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