Quilter’s Planner Giveaway Winner

Announcing the Quilter’s Planner giveaway winner!  It’s always hard for me to pick just one winner, but I only have one planner to give away.

quilters planner 2016


Out of 248 comments, the true random number generator chose #164.

winner 164

That is Dianne who said, “I am working on finishing up a Mystery quilt. This year is my year to catch up on and finish my UFOs.”  Congratulations, Dianne!  I’ve emailed you and will be sending you a Quilter’s Planner very soon.

Thank you to everyone who left a comment in order to enter the giveaway.  I loved reading about your UFO’s.  It seems we all have many unfinished projects.  Such is a quilter’s life!

Tomorrow, Mr. Crafty Quilter and I will be flying to Austin to visit my daughter’s family and spending some quality time with our new grand daughter.  I’ll be back next week and I’ll share pictures of something or other; hopefully, some cute baby pictures and a few quilts or some new fabric.

Happy Quilting!


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  1. Yay! It’s always so much fun to be a winner! Congratulations to Dianne! Safe travels! You’ll just be a stones throw away! Can’t wait for pics of your visit! XO

  2. Hi Julie, hope you and Mr Crafty have a lovely time and enjoy your quality time with the family, and find some new quilt shops! I expect the weather will also be pleasant down there. This morning is a very ‘crisp’ -25C in eastern Norway. Very idyllic with lots of snow on the trees and blue skies but not so great for starting Diesel engine cars!

  3. Safe travelling … Grand-children are such a delight … they restore your faith in the future of mankind. I have three (one here and two little ones over the ocean) … and it makes me smile just thinking of them.
    p.s. I am a little daunted by all the progress of others and developments I read and watch about in quilting, I clearly need to come to you again for a other lesson!

  4. Maybe I’ll see you in Texas (or at the San Jose Airport)! We’re flying tomorrow as well to visit our daughter and her husband! No grandchildren there, but we do have an adorable granddog! 🙂

  5. Have fun and congratulations Dianne. I finished project number two which is Paula’s mondo bag! Didn’t think I would get to it because I was working away on project number 1 but…it’s done!

  6. I’m hoping for baby pictures! lol. I have a new great granddaughter. She was born on 12/26. She looks like her 2-yr old sister’s clone. Such a sweet face. I can almost smell that baby smell from here, even though she lives in Vegas.

    Have fun in Texas (as if you couldn’t……lol)

  7. Enjoy your sweet grandgirl. I look forward to the new photos of her. We have two grandgirls under age two and expecting one more in May. They are such a joy.

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