Sew Mama Sew contributor!

I’ve finally crossed one item off my bucket list and that is to become a contributor to Sew Mama Sew!  If you hop on over there today, you’ll find my article: 7 Tips for Buying a Sewing Machine.

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For most of us, shopping for a new sewing machine can be confusing and intimidating.  I know, it’s a big purchase!  I’m sure you’ll find some useful tips in my article and maybe you’ll have a few of your own to share.  I’m always open to suggestions!

If you’re visiting my blog for the first time, I want to say “welcome”!  Thank you for taking the time to visit.  I’ve just spruced things up a bit around here and I hope you like what you see.  A few things to mention:  the first Sunday of each month is Sew Thankful Sunday and I highlight lots of current tutorials that I’ve found in blog land.  I also share my own tips and tutorials from time to time, so make sure you subscribe (right sidebar) so you don’t miss anything!

If you’re a long time follower and reading this in your email (or rss feed), you should click over to my blog and check it out.  I’ve got a new theme, new logo and I’ve cleaned up my tutorials tab.  I’m still working on the “tips & techniques” and a few other housekeeping items.

The Crafty Quilter

Thank you to Beth at Sew Mama Sew for making my writing experience smooth and for making me feel welcome.  You guys are awesome!

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I hope you’re having a good week so far.  Happy Quilting!



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  1. tiens toi denis qui se plaind a propos des grosse dépenses pour la promenade de champlain tu désire un projet couteux ! paradoxale non ? la rénovation du musée de lamérique francaise est intéressant, peut etre fera-t-elle attiré des touristes québécois qui sont trop souvent ignorants de notre propre histoire, peut etre pas criard comme projet mais bien pensé !

  2. MihaelaAm vazut si Girl Interrupted si Gia, intr-adevar, o prestatie excelenta din partea Angelinei. Nici nu stiu cum au acceptat sa joaca in The Tourist…scenariul e foarte slab. De aici si interpretarea lor. Ei nu sunt actori rai, deci nu cred ca e (doar) vina lor.

  3. Like the new format and a great article for Sew Mama Sew. Wish I’d known how to chose before my first purchase. Congratulations!

  4. Hi, Julie,

    What a thoughtful article on buying a sewing machine. I bought one just last week and dug up your earlier blog posts on the subject, compiling a list of things I was looking for that I brought with me to the store. The salesperson said she loved the list because it really helped her direct me to a machine that fit my needs. Thanks for your help!

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