
Merry Christmas!

I know I’ve been absent from blogging this past week, but I wanted to take a moment to say Merry Christmas!  I’ve been busy getting ready for family visits, last minute gift making and this cute little girl who just landed in California today.

Merry Christmas from Julie and Amelia


I’ll fill you in on all of the fun stuff after the holidays and share some blogging plans with you, too.

Thank you for all of your support and friendship this past year.  You are a big part of my creative family and my motivation to continue to grow and inspire!




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  1. What a beautiful, sweet Granddaughter! They are so precious and we spent time with our Granddaughter who just turned 21 this year. Time goes by much too fast. Enjoy every minute!! Happy New Year!!

  2. Merry Christmas! I can now imagine what you looked like at Amelia age. Great photo. We had a wonderful quilting year, thank you.

  3. She’s a sweetheart. Enjoy every precious moment! Have a wonderful Christmas and a Happy and Healthy 2017! Thank you for your great tutorials and your inspiration.

  4. Beautiful baby, beautiful Grammy. May you and yours have a joyous Christmas filled with God’s love as we praise His Son Jesus Christ.
    Thank you for sharing your talents/ your gift from above.

  5. Merry Christmas to you too! Your granddaughter looks so much like you!

    Thanks for all the blogs, it’s like Christmas all year long!

  6. Dear Julie. Greetings from Canada; have a wonderful Christmas with your family and all the best for the New Year. I look forward to your posts and enjoy them very much. I’m glad you are part of my quilting circle.

  7. Merry Christmas and a happy New Year to you and your family, too, Julie. Your granddaughter is a mini -me of you. Amelia is adorable. It will be so much fun Christmas morning with her there. Thank you for the quilting year…..you helped me get 10 UFOs done!

  8. What very precious pictures!!! And one can see the LOVE in both of your eyes looking at each other. That is a Christmas picture that says it all and memories for years to come. Have a Blessed and Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you and your family……..Lots of hugs….Claudia

  9. What a precious little girl! And a memorable visit for your holidays. Merry Christmas to you and your family, Julie!

  10. Amelia is gorgeous, you just want to sweep her up and hug her. You can tell instantly she is your grand-daughter.
    Thank-you for all the wonderful tips and in-sights throught-out the year … You are a constant source of inspiration to me, and I am so glad I was in your class all those years back amd have followed you since.
    I wish you and your family a Merry Christmas from ‘Jolly old England’ where I shall be enjoying my little grand-daughters as well.

  11. What a beautiful little girl. She looks like her grandmother. Merry Christmas to you and your family. I always love reading your blog. Wishing you the best in 2017.
    Carole in Arizona

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