
Happy Little Things Month 3 giveaway winner

We have a winner for the Happy Little Things Month 3 giveaway! I asked readers to leave a comment telling me how long you’ve been quilting. Out of 163 comments, #97 was randomly chosen. That belongs to Phyllis B. who commented, “I started quilting in 1976, 43 years ago, making a blue and white quilt. Ten years later I finally finished it and entered it the county fair and won best in county.”

Congratulations, Phyllis! You will be receiving a copy of Sunday Best Quilts by Sherri L. McConnell and Corey Yoder, compliments of Martingale Publishing.

Happy Little Things Month 3 giveaway

I really enjoyed reading all of the comments in response to the question, How long have you been quilting? The range was from 6 months to 60 years and everything in between! Some of you had short answers and there were also a few stories of how and when it all began. Thank you all for participating in the BOM giveaways. It’s a nice way for me to get to know you!

I have been sewing since 7th grade – 45 years! I started quilting 22 years ago at the “nudging” of my older sister who promised that I would love quilting. She was right, as usual!

Me and my sister, Cindy

Tomorrow (Thursday) I will be attending the Pacific International Quilt Festival (PIQF) in Santa Clara, California. It’s 20 minutes away from my house, so I go almost every year. The quilts on display are always so inspiring and then there are the vendors who tempt us all.

Have a great day!

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  1. I’ll bet it was fun to read the stories. Thanks for sharing yours.

    What is the name of the fabric bundle shown here? It has fun colors!

  2. Wow! Phyliss’ story is so inspirational. Congrats to you!
    You and your sister sure look alike Julie. How nice of you to share with all of us, and how nice to have a sister too!

  3. It’s kind of scary to think about how long ago I started sewing/quilting, and it’s been a fun journey, have fun at the quilt festival!

  4. I started sewing in the 8th grade and quilting when I was 17, still love both of them! Great photo of you and your sister Julie!

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