Happy Little Things BOM Block 3 & giveaway
It’s time for the Happy Little Things BOM Block 3 hosted by Jacquelynne Steves, AND there’s another terrific giveaway! You can still sign up for this free block of the month here, and you can get the latest information from Jacquelynne about today’s block here.
Happy Little Things Block 3
This month’s block is super cute and it’s a little different than the previous two blocks. You’ll be making half-rectangle triangles (HRT’s) for the star points and there is only one border around the block instead of two.

Just a reminder in case you’re just joining me, I’m making all of my blocks miniature sized, so they’ll measure 6″ square (finished). I’m providing modified cutting instructions for each block (keep reading below); you’ll need to sign up for the BOM to get the rest of the instructions from Jacquelynne. My final layout is also slightly different and it includes the words “Winter Friends” appliqued in the border. This wall hanging will measure 23″ x 31″.
Making half-rectangle triangle units is not hard, but it’s very different than making half-square triangles. Jacquelynne has included a great tutorial and video in her instructions, and it’s really important that you read/watch it first. Even though I’ve made these before, I forgot that you need a mirror image of each HRT unit to make a star point. I had to re-make half of them so that the diagonal line was going the other way.
I love seeing all three of my blocks together. They are such a cute little flock!
Mini Version Cutting Instructions
The mini version of this block will finish at 6″ square. All of the assembly instructions are exactly the same as the original. Remember, you still need to sign up for Jacquelynne Steves’ block of the month to get the complete directions.
You can download the cutting instructions for the mini version of block #3 here:
This month’s giveaway is sponsored by Martingale and they’re giving away a copy of Sunday Best Quilts by Sherri L. McConnell and Corey Yoder. This book is full of beautiful quilts from two of my favorite designers!
To enter the giveaway, please leave a comment telling me how many years you’ve been quilting. For me, the answer is 22 years! I started quilting as soon as my youngest child started preschool. I finally had some time to splurge on a new hobby!
NOTE: To leave a comment, make sure to scroll down to the bottom of this blog post (not from my home page), and look for the rectangle that says “Enter your comment here”. On October 14, I’ll randomly pick one winner!
Here are the giveaway rules:
- To enter, leave a comment telling me how many years you’ve been quilting.
- You must comment by 11:59 pm PST on October 13, 2019.
- There is ONE prize per person per month (in other words, the same person cannot win two prizes within the same month.)
- Giveaway is open to ALL. A print copy of the book will be given to US residents, a digital copy to international residents
- Winner will be chosen at random.
Due to the high volume of comments, I won’t be able to reply to you (unless there is a direct question), but I will read each and every one. Thank you in advance for your participation and for leaving a comment.
Participating Bloggers
Make sure to visit all of the participating bloggers to see their version of Happy Little Things! You can also enter the giveaway on each respective blog so you have more chances to win.
- A Quilting Life https://www.aquiltinglife.com/
- Podunk Pretties http://podunkpretties.blogspot.com/
- The Crafty Quilter http://thecraftyquilter.com/ (you’re here)
- Flamingo Toes https://flamingotoes.com/
- Allie-Oops Sweet Happy Life http://allie-oopssweethappylife.blogspot.com/
- Happy Quilting Melissa http://www.happyquiltingmelissa.com/
- The Quilting Nook https://thequiltingnook.wordpress.com/
- Kathy’s Quilts https://kathysquilts.blogspot.com/
There is also a Facebook group where you can stay up to date and post photos:https://www.facebook.com/groups/SewQuiltyFriends.JacquelynneSteves/
If you use social media, please use the hashtags #HappyLittleThingsBOM and #HappyLittleThingsQuilt .
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unreal to see last comment by Kathy Parker. That is my name, too. i have been quilting 35 years. Enjoy all needlearts .
I am new at quilting. Living in Florida it always seemed silly because of our warm weather. Now that I am semi-retired it’s been “calling” me to try it. So far I have made one quilt and am in love with quilting. Just a side note you are the first Julie I’ve met to also have a sister named Cyndy.
I had never sewn anything until I saw a quilt in the Gander, Newfoundland airport. It was quilted by a quilt club in Washington state to thank the town for caring for the people grounded there on 9/11.
I told my husband that I was going to make one of those! He almost fell on the floor laughing! He did the sewing in the household!
That was ten years ago!
40 years!
I was probably about 10 or 12 when I started hand-piecing and quilting. My mom worked in a small town craft shop that decided to expand into fabrics and offer quilting lessons. I had grown up in that shop, so of course I joined in! There have been gaps, but I’ve always been sewing in between even if I’m not quilting. Now a days I do too many other things with my hands to do hand-quilting, so I finally just this year bought a machine with a big enough throat to quilt on!
I can’t decide when I started quilting. I started sewing independently by 12, loved tying quilts then. Took a quilting class at 22, continued to sew and tie. Got deeply into piecing about 10 years ago when my DIL moved near us and she began teaching quilting classes. So either 60 years or 10, depends on how you look at it. Thanks
I haven’t been quilting very long, only about 2 years actively though my late mother-in-law got me started about 6 years ago.
I have been quilting for about six years. I’ve been sewing since I was about six years old though:)
About 15 years ago, my friend showed me the basics of quilting, but I really didn’t quilt by myself until 2-3 years ago when my former boss taught me to quilt and it’s been uphill since! It’s my retirement dream come true.
I started quilting in 1999 with my sister. We moved from Seattle back home in Helena, MT. It was the best move of my life. I am now addicted to quilting!
I took my first quilt class over 30 years ago. Love your winter friends fabric.
I have been quilting for 10 years. Love your blog.
I’ve been sewing since a child, but only tried quilting as a teen. Have been into it full-swing now for the past 6yrs or so. Beautiful mini blocks. Have a great day.
I have been quilting for 35 years. It still is something I look forward to each day!
I started quilting just after my mother died, 18 years ago.
I have been quilting for three months. I have so much to learn, but I am enjoying this hobby.
I have been quilting about 15 years. Love your mini block!
I have been quilting almost 20 years. Sewing for 55 years. Still learning something new all the time.
I’ve been quilting for about 12 years but sewing since I was 12 years old.
I think your mini quilt is going to be so cute! I have been quilting for about nine years.
I have sewn most of my life, making clothing for my girls until they were in junior high and western shirts for my husband until we moved to Alaska, in 1986. I started quilting 17 years ago. I love making quilts for family, friends and for charity. Our little town, has a Baby Welcome Wagon Program that gives each baby born in our community, a gift bag with information on baby health and wellness, resource information, a few sample items to help with the baby and a small baby quilt. I have made several for this program.
Bin sewing off and on for about a year
Such a cute little block!! I have been quilting since the 70’s when I started helping my Mom.
My Grandma started me sewing & quilting at age 5! She is the reason I’ve made quilts for charities and QOVs for 53 years!♥️ Miss her so!
I have been quilting for so many years, it’s hard to remember when I first started. I was interested in quilts long before I actually made one. My first quilt was an appliqued Holly Hobbie for my little sister.
Let’s just say I’ve been sewing and quilting for more than 20 years. It will depress me if I gave you a truer number because I’m getting older. So to keep me happy 20 plus years.
I have been quilting on and off for about 45 years.
I have been quilting for about 6 years and getting a little better every day…..
I’d have to count the first quilt I made when I was nine for my Barbie! Yikes that means I’ve been Quilting for 50 years
I have been quilting for around 35 years. It all started with a community ed class.
I already comments when it hit me that I must thank you for the mini version. It will make great Christmas gifts of potholder or hot pads. Thank you.
I was about 10 when my Grandmother let we grands quilt on her quilt. I started on my own after boys left home and I had a sewing room. I made garments all this time. Quilting started in late 1990’s and has continued.
I can’t really remember, but my guess is about 7 years.
I have been sewing for 50+ years, but only started quilting 2 1/2 years ago. I am absolutely hooked! Thank you for the chance to win Corey’s newest book.
Love your quilt. So sweet. I’ve been quilting for about 30 yrs.
I’ve been quilting for about 7 years and am completely self taught. Thanks to sites like yours that make life easier!
I have been quilting for 39 years! It doesn’t seem that long, and I’m only in my early fifties! But I started as a teenager. There were several years when I was too busy to be making quilts, but now I’m glad to be back at it : )
I started 37 years ago, when I was pregnant with my first….now I’m kept busy quilting for my grands…I am getting two more soon! But I am always learning new techniques and tricks. Thanks for the wonderful giveaway!
I’ve been quilting for 9 years. Loving every minute of it!
19 Years. The years before I retired I bought a new sewing machine and took lessons on how to use it.
In the evenings I took quilting lessons. My goal was to quilt after retiring and I haven’t stopped yet. I find very relaxing.
I have been quilting for 3 or 4 years, but very simple designs. I will definitely need to look at the instructions for this next block. It looks a bit more difficult.
I’ve been quilting for 29 years. I brought a quilt magazine to lunch my first day on a new job and met a lady who quilted but hadn’t done so in years. More people who sewed joined our conversation. I showed them a split rail fence pattern and said, “I think we can do this” and the quilting bug hit. We still fabric shop together, attend guilds, retreats and travel around the country to quilt shows. We are there for one another during life’s many ups and downs, and I still have that magazine!
I am a newer quilter- I’ve always been a crafter though. My sister in law got me into quilting about 2 years ago. I love it! I love following blogs and learning all kinds of new things.
I have been quilting over 30 years. Your blocks are so cute.
My mom and I made a quilt together for my college dorm room. It was a quilt as you go and we stayed up all night to finish it before I left for school. That was 42 years ago!
I have been quilting for 34 years.
I have been quilting for at least 30 years. Really not sure of the exact number!
My beloved quilting grandmother died in 1975 so the following spring I took a beginning quilting class (1976 was our Bicentennial year) and was hooked from the start. I understood why she made over 300 quilts in her lifetime. Long story short, I’m still addicted to quilting 43 years later and have gone from hand-quilting to self-taught machine quilting and now I have a longarm. Thanks for a chance to win—I’d love to made the Sunday Best Sampler.
I love your cute mini blocks and plan to make one for myself!
I started quilting about 28 years ago with a couple of quilts, then went on hiatus for about 20 years-got busy raising kids!
I’m back in the saddle again!!
My beloved quilting grandmother died in December 1975 so I took a quilting class the following spring, our 1976 Bicentennial year, in order to feel close to her still. I was immediately “hooked” and saw why she had made over 300 quilts in her lifetime. I went from exclusively hand-quilting to self-taught machine quilting and now I have a longarm machine and am still just as addicted as ever! So, short answer–I’ve been quilting 43 years and loving every minute of it. Thanks for a chance to win the book—I’d love to join in on the Sunday Best Sampler.
I started quilting in high school, so maybe 40 years ago. Love your mini version of the quilt.
My oldest Granddaughter is 13 years old, so that’s how long I’ve been quilting.
I started quilting 30+ years. Still have the first two table toppers I made. I have done many different sewing and crafting projects and quilting is my favorite.
I have been quilting for 3 years. Never thought I could ever get so addicted to any hobby!
I’ve been quilting for 15 years. I think your miniature block is very sweet.
About 30 yrs a piecer, but usually tie vs quilting. I’m really not much of a “quilter”, but love doing charity sewing, dresses for Dress a Girl and tops for guild community quilts and quilts of Valor.
i’ve only been quilting for 4 years but i’m totally hooked!!!!
I’ve been quilting for 5 years, only starting when I inherited a sewing machine from a dear friend.
My first quilt was for my granddaughter shortly after she was born 11 years ago. I have done one wall hanging since. I retired last year and have time to for more quilting now. I have two quilts in the works, fabric ready for two more, and working on designs for two of my grandkids.
I’ve been quilting 25 years, and still have a zillion ideas!
I am new to quilting.
I taught myself to quilt about 25 years ago after I saw a quilt in a magazine that I wanted to make. I’ve learned some lessons the hard way, but love the craft.
32 years is my best guess.
I have been truly quilting for 10 years. I made comforters before I started quilting. I absolutely love your blocks!
I started my quilting journey by chance while holidaying in a fishing village in the Northern Territory, Australia. A friend I met there was doing quilting ad asked if I would like to do likewise. Having no supplies I spoke to all the women holidaying there and asked for a small piece of material (any kind) and made a tumbling quilt top. Still have it and the beautiful memories it has for e.
Hi Julie, I’ve been quilting full time for the last 7 years. Absolutely love everything about it!
I have to admit that I made my first quilt when I was in high school, oh gosh 1982? I used cardboard templates to cut the scrap fabrics from my grandmother’s clothing remnants. With scissors. I used a 5/8” seam allowance- what I had learned sewing clothing in home economics. The backing was a sheet. I smile thinking about what that quilt taught me. Like #1-curtain sheer fabric will not hold it’s own next to linen and wool blend suiting! Haha. I could writ about this all day!
Thank you for the chance to win the Sunday Best Quilts book. It looks wonderful. And Thank You for the 6” size option, I love this and will be following you now so I don’t miss a step.
I started quilting 1976, 43 years ago, making a blue and white quilt. Ten years later I finally finished it and entered it the county fair and won best in county.
I took my first two classes in 1996. The quilt store that I took them at changed hands and moved to the other side of town and closed within a couple of years. Then work and life got in the way. I tried picking starting again several times only for life to get in the way again. Now health reasons slow me down, but I keep trying. Actual quilting I would say 2 years. But from the time I first started until now, 23 years.
I have been teaching myself to sew for the last 6 years. I made my first quilt 4 years ago – was a t-shirt quilt for my son’s graduation. Used all his old John Deere shirts. I love your block –
I love your Winter Friends blocks and the fussy cutting for the sweet birds is so perfect!
I made my first quilt 37 years ago, but didn’t make another quilted project til almost 30 years later! It’s been non-stop since then!
I have been quilting for three months! Taught myself to sew four months ago and decided to just jump into quilting!
Love these little blocks. I have been Sewing since 4th grade. Quilting for 20+ years. My grandmother both sides were quilters.
I hate to admit this over 60 years, but I am still learning all the time. Jmikebalou(at) aol(dot) com
I have been doing it off and on about 20 years only total finished one that I kept . I had to work so much raising 4 daughter’s by myself their father wasn’t much help. I hope to get my disability & s.s and start doing quilting,embroidery, needlepoint, crosstitch, latchhook, crocheting & reading.
I”d say on and off for (yow!) 40 years. Made my first simple quilts when I was about 12.
I’ve been quilting about 28 years.
I’ve been quilting for about 13 years. It’s the best hobby I’ve ever had!
Love your fussy cutting. I’ve been quilting for 30 years.
I am totally self-taught and I started reading blogs in 2013 (thank you, Julie) in order to learn quilting techniques. I finally completed my first baby quilt for Quilts for Kids in 2014.
I have been quilting about 5 years. Thank you!
Sew cute! Thank you for sharing and being a part of this BOM sew along
I’m 70 and probably made my first quilt 50 years ago. Watched my mom quilt by hand without frames N oh w my youngest daughter quilts as well.
I have been quilting on and off for over 50 years.
Starting about 28 years ago.
I don’t really know how long as I have many years that there were no quilting at all. Life happened. So I will say many years.
I’ve been quilting for 5 years!
Hi. I’m just starting on my quilting adventures. I have four ufo’s and I’m working on one.
I began quilting in 2011.
I’ve been quilting over 20 years and have made a lot of quilts, but there are still so many things I want to make!
Hello Julie,
I have been sewing since I was ten years old, but I made my first quilt when I was 30. I am now 76 years old and still making quilts, so it has been a long time.
Thank you for all your good advice.
I started quilting by learning to thread needles for my Mom and Grandmother when I was about 8. Once I had all the needles threaded they would let me try to help sew the quilt together. Many a night I would sit with them and perfect my skills. It has been 56 years now that I have enjoyed this hobby.
12 years. Sold a house and bought a sewing machine!!
I have been making quilts on and off for about 30 years. My very first was a family quilt, I had embroidery everyone’s name and their birthday. I believe I got the passion of quilting from my Grandmother, she had handmade beautiful quilts. She was so very talented when it came to sewing.
Thank you
About 10 years…but, I did take a class in 1977, but didn’t make any quilts after that class–had a toddler, and more kids arrived… 🙂
I love this little block with the bird. I have been quilting for about 30 years.
I took my first quilting class 30 years ago but didn’t quilt much when my kids were little. Have enjoyed getting back to it the last 6 years.
I’ve been doing some piecing for over 30 years.
I’ve been quilting about 5 years. My dear sister in law, who passed away in August, got me started quilting. She’s in my thoughts when I’m working on a quilt. I especially enjoy making community quilts that are donated through the guild I belong to.
I have been quilting about 8 years. I did all kinds of crafts, one of them painting. At paint class many of the gals quilted….I could not imagine attempting to sew a straight 1/4″ seam, so fought
this for several years. One day, one of the gals called and told me of a machine (Bernina) that was calling my name. I went to the store, bought it, learned how to use it, took a couple of quilting classes and never looked back. I love it so much and now make things for family, friends and lots of charity items. Don’t paint anymore either! By the way, really enjoy your site. Thanks!
I’ve been quilting on and off about 15 years.
It’s been 20 years since I made my first quilt
I took my first quilting class in the early 90’s, I think. So about 25+ years. Unfortunately I have few totally finished quilts. But I do have a wonderful fabric and pattern collection. Would really enjoy this new book!
Thanks for all you do to help quilters around the world!
I’ve been quilting for 34 years! I received a box in the mail after my Great Aunt passed away in Nebraska in 1995. It contained a MAPLE LEAF QUILT TOP MY GREAT GRANDMOTHER made on the 1922 Singer Treadle Machine I was gifted after she passed away. Great Grandma Annabelle made the quilt for my Mom, Bonnie Jean in 1927 and it had never been finished. A week after I received this TREASURE I joined Piecemakers Quilt Guild, Fremont, California learned to quilt; joined two quilting bees; marketed their opportunity quilt and a year later became President of the Guild. Yes, I finished the quilt and presented to my Mom on her 68th birthday! A true FAMILY TREASURE…I’ve just recently finished two little quilts for my twin Great Granddaughters….I Quilt everyday now that I’m retired…blessings.
I’ve been sewing since I was 7, but I’ve only been quilting for about four months. I worked in a sewing factory for over 20 years. All the women on my mother’s side have all sewn. This goes down to my daughter also.
Hi! I have been quilting for 34 years and still love it! Yes I still have UFO’s!!!! Love your mini bloks!
My passion for quilting started about 25 years ago. Scrappy just makes me sew happy. Thanks for the smaller version.
I’m a relative newbie at quilting, having started just 2 years ago. Fortunately, I have several very talented quilting friends who have encouraged me along the way.
I’ve been quilting for about 10 years now. There are tons of things I’d like to make so I’ll keep at it!
I’ve been quilting for about 6 years, but much more frequently in the last 2 years. Thanks for the chance to win!
I have been quilting for 7 years.
I started quilting in the summer of 2017 when I retired. It has been 2 years now and I am still using a basic machine that travels well to the different classes I try to catch. I need to focus on the patterns right now.Thanks! Debby Maddox, new quilter
I have been quilting for 34 years.
I’ve been quilting about 30 Years
I’ve been quilting for 34 years and just love it!
Such a sweet block! I have been quilting for 10 years!
This is so cute! I enjoy your blog. I’ve been quilting for 36 years and still love it!
I began quilting about 12 years ago.
38 years and counting
I started quilting in 2012 so 7 years ago. I got interested by a Quilting Arts contest and quickly became addicted. 🙂
I have been quilting about 20 years. I started as a way to deal with the grief of my mothers passing.
I have been quilting almost 4 years now, and can’t wait to retire so I can do more when I want to!!!!!
I have been quilting for 40 years. I did my first quilt when I was pregnant with my son and I got hooked.
About 10 years. Best hobby I’ve ever had.
I have been quilting for 24 years. I watched Simply Quilts and Alex Anderson convinced me I could make a quilt in half an hour 🙂
I have been quilting for 40 years. I was pregnant with my son and I made a quilt for his nursery. I got hooked.
I’ve been quilting for almost 4 years. I retired and bought a Bernina, and I was hooked!
I think quilting is so much fun. I have been making them for about 25 years off an on.
32 years!
I have been quilting for over thirty years. My great grandmother and grandmothers on both sides of my family were quilters so I think it is in the blood.
I have been sewing for over 60 years – but quilting for just 27 — learned at my grandmother’s knee. I love your small blocks.
I don’t do the quilting, rarely do piece work, but I love machine appliqué. I have been doing machine appliqué quilt tops for twelve years.
I just love your mini versions of these blocks! I have been what I would call a serious quilter for about 25 years. I did make a few quilts before my kids were born, but life got too busy to continue.
I forgot to enter how long I have been quilting. Off and on since 1969 when i worked on the raffle quilt my school was making.
I just discovered y our smaller size blocks and want to download all of them.
I have been quilting for the past 10 years which happens to coincide with the birth of my first grandchild when I made my first baby quilt.
Hi Julie!
I’ve been quilting almost 4 years! Almost 50 quilts…I’ve kept 2! 🙂
-Jean ❤
I have been quilting for 45 years. I started a quilt my freshman year of college. However there were many years when I couldn’t quilt much because of small children. No classes, I just watched Grandma when I was a kid. I finally took classes when the kids grew up.
30 years
I started handquilting 51 years ago. 13 years ago an amazing group of ladies in northern BC started me on the very addictive road to machine quilting heaven. I’m addicted for sure! Thanks Julie for the mini version. Love it!
very cute blocks. the way my Nana told it… I could stitch before I could walk. I can’t remember not quilting.
HI, I’ve been Hand+Machine Quilting about 20 years! Beautiful Book Giveaway! Thanks !!!!!
Beautiful Book! Thanks for sharing!
I’ve been quilting on and off for about 35 years.
I took a class to learn how to quilt at least 25 years ago. At that time I was gung ho on making a quilt. I did finish the one taught at the class and cut out another log cabin. Then life happens and I never got back to my quilt making dreams. Then last year I retired….my log cabin was in a plastic tote patiently waiting on my return. We went to Florida (Snowbirding) in our RV. The park had quilters that met three times a week. I am now on my journey to continue making quilts again. I finished that UFO plus another I found partially cut out. I have the fever!!!! This project has been so much fun and it is teaching me a lot along the way. The blogs are great resources as well.
Thank you for this.
[email protected]
I have been quilting for 5 years, love every minute of it. Your blocks of winter friends are very sweet.
Quilting for three years and have lots of time to create now that I am retired!
Took my first quilting class back in 1980
I started quilting at age 60! So seven years later, I am happily and prolifically piecing and quilting along! Love your blog!
Quilting for three years and have more time to create now that I am retired!
My maternal Grandmother was an accomplished seamstress and taught me how to sew fifty years ago when I showed an interest at age 10 but I have only been quilting for two years. Love those pudgy little birds in your blocks! So cute!
3 years
I started quilting in college in the late 196’s
30 years
I have been sporadically quilting since our 1st. grandchild was born about 9 1/2 years ago.
I have been quilting for about 20 years. It is my connection to my Grandmother…my life hero.
I’ve only been “trying” to quilt for about six years, but I have been sewing since a was about 10 – off and on over the years!
I have been quilting for 45 years.
I have been quilting since the 80’s. I discovered your sites when I found the “Save the Bees” pattern. Love all of the patterns. Thanks so much!
I have been quilting since 1983 when I was expecting my second son, he will be 36 this December. His wife also quilts.
Feels like I have been quilting forever. Truth: only four years.
I have been quilting off and on since 1993, with about a 10 year hiatus, because I learned how to knit and went crazy with yarn!! Since being back to quilting it’s been a balancing act to juggle all the crafting, but I am working it.
I have been quilting for about 15 years. I love quilting, garments, crafts, garden, hiking, being with my family and my church.
I’ve been quilting for 20 years. Started when I took a class with my sister.