Some Quilt-y news

Amidst all of the anxious and uncertain feelings we’re experiencing currently when we watch the news or social media, I thought I would share some good, Quilt-y news with you. If I had to guess, 95% of Quilt-y news is good news!

Quilt-y news is good news and I'm here to share some with you at The Crafty Quilter!

Note: Glass Half Full Mug Rug pattern is available here for free.

Quilt-y News

I’ve run into a few quilt alongs and BOM’s that are coming up soon that I had to share with you. First is the Willow Quilt Along hosted by Amber at Gigi’s Thimble and Jessica Dayon. This is a free QAL that starts March 26 and continues for 7 weeks with weekly instructions given for three different 6″ quilt blocks, sashing, cornerstones and finishing. There’s no sign up required, just follow their blogs!

The Willow Quilt Along @ Jessica Dayon and Gigi's Thimble.

I just discovered Kimie and Missy – two sisters who share a passion for quilting and a blog, On Williams Street, where they share tutorials, inspiration and patterns. This year they’ve started an Online Quilting Bee Skill Builder which is a free quilt along that is designed to focus on a different skill each month. I love learning new techniques! It can also be set up as a quilting bee for those that want to work as a group.

Online Quilting Bee Skill Builder @ On Williams Street.
Online Quilting Bee Skill Builder @ On Williams Street

If you have an Instagram account, you should check out the hashtag #IGQuiltFest2020 hosted by Amy Ellis of Amy’s Creative Side. Each day she posts a different prompt and you can learn so much by everyone’s response!


I received a special gift in the mail a few weeks ago. It was a 2021 Contemporary Quilts of Hawaii calendar given to me by a blog follower, Estie Inn. Her Summer Fun Aloha quilt, was chosen to be included in the calendar. This is a free quilt tutorial from my Summer Fun Quilt Along of 2018 and Estie made her own tropical version of it. That makes me so happy and flattered to be mentioned in the calendar. Thanks Estie for including me in your creative success!

Summer Fun Aloha Quilt made by Estie Inn.  Pattern designed by Julie Cefalu @ The Crafty Quilter

If you saw my recent Carolina Lily QAL blog post, you would have noticed that the links to Fat Quarter Shop’s free pattern and blog post didn’t work. That’s still the case and I apologize for it. Fat Quarter Shop gave us a publication date and time for our blog post to be published, but failed to inform us that they had to postpone it. So, I’m more frustrated than anybody, but I will keep you updated when it’s available. Thanks for your patience!

Carolina Lily Quilt Block made by Julie Cefalu.  Pattern from Fat Quarter Shop.

I’m co-teaching the Timeless Tradition Block of the Month at my local quilt shop, The Granary. The blocks for March are finished and I love them, I really do. Piecing blocks is my creative happy place! These blocks have a common element, the friendship star and were fun to put together.

Quilt blocks from Timeless Tradition BOM.
Quilt blocks from Timeless Tradition BOM.
Quilt blocks from Timeless Tradition BOM.

The newest additions to my stash are these beautiful porcelain blue fabrics from the Danbury collection at QT Fabrics. I don’t know what I’ll do with them yet, but I’m envisioning a basket block or two.

I can’t wait for Corey Yoder’s next fabric collection, Apricot & Ash, to hit stores in August. My favorite colors in one bundle!

Other News

In my email this morning, I found something wonderful to share for those of you with children or grandchildren at home. Kenneth and Sarah Jane Wright, the Author/Illustrator Team behind the Lola Dutch Books (and Sarah is a fabric designer for Michael Miller Fabrics) and the creators of the website, Raising Wonder, will be providing free, daily printables and videos for the next three weeks (or more). You can sign up on their main, front page. I think this is an amazing resource and generous gift to families. Here is an excerpt from the email:

So many of us are scrambling to figure out what life looks like without schools, workplaces, community places and the routines we are used to. We are each dealing with very personal situations, and the stress of how to keep our kids happy and thriving while we are navigating this global shift is very real.  

More than ever, we want to keep our homes a place of peace and fun and love for our kids. We’ve got to keep up creativity and learning and let our children feel encouraged!

On the home front, I have three of my children home for the weekend and I love having them here. My daughter and grandchildren were supposed to fly home but they cancelled their flight as a precaution (which was a wise decision). For dinner Thursday night, I made falafels and naan bread from scratch from this recipe at Half Baked Harvest and the bread turned out fantastic. I think I forgot to add the cumin to the falafels, so they were good but not great. No one at the table was complaining, that’s for sure!

And who doesn’t love a picture of a baby on a quilt? This is Benjamin on his baby quilt at two months old. I can’t wait to see him once things calm down. The quilt pattern is Glacier Modern Quilt by QLT Studio.

Baby Benjamin on baby quilt made by Julie Cefalu.  Pattern is Glacier Modern Quilt by QLT Studio.

The Granary Quilt Shop (my LQS) is closing for the next two weeks and has cancelled classes until they reassess in April. Not an easy decision for them, but very understandable. It’s a strange world right now.

I’m sure we’ve all been impacted by the coronavirus at some level, and I hope you’re all staying healthy and positive. I will keep busy in my sewing room and continue to keep you updated on Quilt-y news. I have some organizing to do first and then I can get to the fun stuff.

Thanks for reading this and allowing me space in your inbox. Stay happy, healthy and positive, friends!

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  1. Benjamin is so cute! Babies on quilts are the best! And your naan looks amazing! I’ve been surprised that my local quilt shop still had class yesterday (I saw photos on facebook) and no indication of closing yet. I suspect that a creative outlet will help a lot of us get through this difficult time.

  2. So happy to hear from you Julie. Ah, little Benjamin, so, so sweet on that lovely quilt you made him! He brings joy to just look at his sweet baby face; what a handsome little love! And your Naan bread looks yummy. Stay well and blessings to all.

  3. today’s blog was truly an inspiration in our trying times. I’m going to try the QAL for the first time! Thanks for uplifting our spirits and giving us something to plan, play and keep busy for families with kiddos. I’m sharing with Granddaughter for ideas with her little ones now at home all day. Thank you, take care

  4. Thank you for a wonderful post, full of inspiration and joy. Stay safe and well. Dilys, Sutton Coldfield UK. X

  5. Julie, I echo everyone’s praise for your uplifting post especially in these uncertain times! I haven’t been keeping up with my blog reading or quilty posts in general. I enjoy every post you make because I find something that inspires me, makes me smile, and/or adds to my creative side! Thank you for continuing blogging, creating, and posting because there are many people like me who need to be inspired!

  6. Thank you for being a positive voice. It is appreciated. Bless you and yours. May everyone stay healthy. Karen

  7. Julie – what a lovely, lovely post – and so uplifting – during this very tumultuous time in all our lives. Kudos. Benjamin is adorable – just like his two older sisters!!!!

  8. Hi Julie
    What a nice surprise and honor to see my quilt and the calendar cover on your blog!
    I do enjoy reading and seeing your quilt-y news. e

  9. Hi Julie- first Benjamin- no doubt at all that he’s a boy!!! 🙂 What a lovely picture!!
    I just bought 2 Lola Dutch books and fabric for my sweet granddaughter. I know she’s a bit young for the books but I couldn’t resist! I’m going to make her some sort of dress or jumper with the fabric. It’s adorable!!
    Quilty news is ALWAYS good news!!! Love everything in this post. Thanks.
    Take care.

  10. A lovely email from you as always, Julie, so inspirational. Thank you ❤️ Here in Townsville NQ we’ve just had our first CV case diagnosed – scary times. I wish you and all your family good health over the coming months. Kind regards, Maree

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