Blog plans for 2013

I have had so much fun reading all of your comments from my last post – sharing what your goals are for this year. Thank you to everyone who commented.  I have read each and every one of them, (at least twice) and I wish I had the time to respond to all of you!  By the way, there’s still one day left to enter into the giveaway (until Sat. 1/5) by clicking here.

Image by Chanpipat and  courtesy of
Image by Chanpipat and courtesy of

Let me say that it just so happens that I have plans for my blog this year that coincide with many of your goals!  Great minds think alike!

quilt on porch via The Crafty Quilter

One of my frustrations this past holiday season was not getting to all of the Christmas projects that I had on my list.  Some of you experienced the same thing.  In order to prevent that from happening again, I’m really going to try and focus on Christmas once a month this year.  So, I’m going to post a Christmas project on the 15th of each month (did I really just say that? There’s no turning back now!).  This could be anything from gifts, baking, cards, gift tags, decorating, ornaments, etc.

Frozen christmas lights

I noticed that many of you want to polish or begin your free motion quilting skills.  I’d like to offer some tips on that topic too in the coming year.  It’s one of my favorite classes that I teach at The Granary, so I’ll try to pass along some pearls of wisdom.

Quilted Feather from The Crafty Quilter

I know that there are lots of quilting techniques to learn, and I saw that applique was one of the top requested.  That’s something I’ve been wanting to cover too.  I’d love to do a monthly feature on all of the different methods of applique.  No promises, but I’ll see what I can do!  Here’s one way to do turned edge applique that I posted about in 2012:


stitch flower copy

I’ll pick three winners at the end of the day tomorrow (Saturday 1/5) and I’ll announce the winners on Monday.  (I’m going out of town Sunday and will return on Monday, thus the delay).

Thanks again for all of your great comments and ideas.  You guys really inspire and motivate me!  Have a great weekend!



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  1. My goal …to balance my family life and my quilting happiness and be in my quilting room at least an hour a day. To give my best work to someone I care about and not to forget those who love me enough to be able to afford quilting and the time it requires. Practice more free motion and learn applique so I can feel like I understand the all the aspects of quilting.
    I wanna be Julie when I finally grow up. She is an inspiration to beginners!

  2. Happy New Year!
    My main goal for this year is to make a noticeable hole in my fabric stash, and pattern collection by starting and completing some projects which I take out, look at, then decide to go for a simpler option. In other words, take on some exciting new challenges and techniques!

  3. I LOVE organization! Your blog has organization all over it. Yea! You will inspire me to do what I love~organize

  4. Wow, I love all three of these ideas, my favourite things I would like to improve on., applique, fmq and Christmas items before Christmas. thanks

  5. What a great idea, working on Christmas projects once a month.
    Also thanks for the turned edge applique tutorial. I was just looking for that.

    Have a great week

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