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A finish and new project

I can never get ahead. I’m always starting something new before I’ve finished something old. Well, I finished something not-so-old, and I made progress on a few old UFO’s, so I gave in to the sparkly something new. But let me show you what I finished first!

Last night, I put the last few stitches on the hanging sleeve of my Patchwork Pumpkins wall hanging. Just in time for October!

Patchwork Pumpkins Wall hanging made and designed by Julie Cefalu @ The Crafty Quilter.
Patchwork Pumpkins Wall hanging made and designed by Julie Cefalu @ The Crafty Quilter.
Patchwork Pumpkins Wall hanging made and designed by Julie Cefalu @ The Crafty Quilter.

I love this project so much! I designed it in 2018 and it’s still my favorite decoration for October and November. I used turned edge machine applique for the pumpkins and the embroidery detail has three strands of DMC floss. I free motion quilted pumpkin ridges and sky swirls (sort of) with grid quilting on the bottom. Plus a few hearts were added in there too.

My original wall hanging has been hanging in my SIL’s quilt shop for over a year. I used a variety of gray fabric for the background on that one (below). The pattern is available for purchase in my Etsy Shop here.

Patchwork Pumpkins Wall hanging made and designed by Julie Cefalu @ The Crafty Quilter.

When I saw the quilt design for Moda’s Stitch Pink Quilt Along, I knew I wanted to join in. That’s my new and shiny project that I’m starting this week. Anybody with me?

My new project is the Stitch Pink 2020 Sew Along with Moda Fabrics.
Stitch Pink 2020

Starting October 1, Moda will share one 12″ quilt block pattern for each day of the month. That’s thirty blocks total with finishing instructions on the 31st. The quilt will measure 64″ x 76″. A portion of Moda’s proceeds from the Stitch Pink Grunge collection will go to the National Breast Cancer Organization.

I am on a mission to use up my own fabric stash. I played with a few color combinations today and came up with a navy and cheddar color scheme. Isn’t it delicious? This bunch of fabric has me very excited to start!

Navy and cheddar fabric pull for my new project.

I’ll shop for the background fabric tomorrow. It requires 3 3/4 – 4 yards. I’ll probably use a cream color, but I’m toying with a really dark navy background. I’ve seen a few mock-ups with dark backgrounds and I like them. That would eliminate a few darks from my fabric pull, so we’ll see.

The last thing on my list (quite literally) is that I’m now on Facebook. The Crafty Quilter Designs has a Facebook page here. I’m already lost and confused with Facebook and I really don’t know how active I’ll be. I might try to put daily updates of my Stitch Pink progress there, but I still don’t know how Facebook works.

Fall is in the sewing room at The Crafty Quilter.

I know a lot of people like Facebook and just as many people feel the opposite. I really created an account so that I could join a few Facebook groups or set one up for myself. I’m already beginning to regret that decision. Can I undo this monster? Ugh. I’ll give it until the end of the year and then decide whether to keep at it.

Any how, I hope you’re all having a great day! I’ll be back for Sew Thankful Sunday this weekend.

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  1. I would also like a pattern for the mug coaster, or directions if available.
    Also, I just don’t want to get started on Facebook. Too much time on the computer for me.
    I discovered your Blog a few years ago. You’d made a beautiful Fall quilt- I loved your color combinations- reminds me- I think I’ll get that pattern out and finally make it! Yours is the only Quilting Blog that I follow regularly. I’ve loved following you for so much- recipes, seeing your house remodel, your patterns, choice of fabrics,seeing your family
    photos and others-recent photos of the Virtual Quilt Show. Thank you for sharing your special talent and inspiring us!

  2. I fell for the pink shiny object, too. My granddaughter is all about the pink, so it was easy to justify letting another squirrel into my studio!

    1. Hi Mary,
      It’s actually a “grandmother’s flower garden” block which is seven hexagons sewn together (I used English paper piecing). I’m going to use it in a quilt (some day!).

  3. I love your blog! Thanks so much for taking the time to share your expertise with us. You have wonderful ideas, projects, suggestions…all so inspiring!

  4. Hello Julie, I followed your link to Moda for the Pink quilt project. I couldn’t find a way to sign up for the daily block patterns. Did I miss. something? Thank you.

    1. Hi Barbara,
      You don’t need to sign up, just follow their blog. It’s a little confusing because Moda has converted their Cutting Table blog to Inspiration & Resources. I would just check back on their website often.

  5. I feel like you do about facebook – I have a mcmusing page but I don’t do a whole lot of posting besides my blog. That seems like plenty of work for me. Love your new patchwork pumpkins – very sweet and timely.

  6. Darn you! I just couldn’t stop myself from ordering a stitch pink kit. Just seemed right – lumpectomy was in March, radiation was in July. Seemed like a sign to make this as shown.

    Also time to get out my patchwork pumpkins quilt also.

    Miss seeing you

    Jan W

  7. Hi Julie, I can’t tell you how much I like those pumpkins! I have a thing for pumpkins in the fall. That is a beautiful wall hanging.

    Those navy and cheddar fabrics are a winning combination.

  8. Julie, I love your pumpkins! I may have to get that pattern. I also love the new challenge you’re doing. Your fabric choices are wonderful. I have so many irons in the proverbial fire right now. It seems I say that all the time haha!
    I have a love/hate relationship with Facebook. I mostly go on to see my quilting groups or keep up with family far away but that’s it. I’m not really wild about it.

  9. Thanks again for a great blog. I do so enjoy hearing from you.
    I will have a look for you on FB, not that Im a great FB player
    Like you I have joined the odd one or two sewing/quilting groups and find them interesting and helpful at times.
    Happy days to you and yours

  10. I have joined lots of Facebook groups and they are great! Its wonderful getting so much inspiration all the time- like show and Tell everyday. I don’t have any quilt shops close by so I get inspired by blogs and posts. Thanks for sharing!

  11. I love your Patchwork Pumpkins and hope to start mine for next autumn 🙂
    I sure can’t say much about having UFOs as I haven’t quilted the Summer sewalong you had 2 or 3 years ago….my plans are to finish it to hang next summer.
    Your new project will be beautiful in blues and cheddar. Can’t wait to see it!

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