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Flirtatious Hearts at the Moda Bake Shop!

I am sharing a sweet little project (or two) at the Moda Bake Shop today and I hope you’ll go visit and take a look!

And if you’re new to my blog, I’m so thankful that you’ve stopped by!  I love to share everything I know about quilting and sometimes I get a little crafty too.

Flirtatious Hearts at the Moda Bakeshop

You can find all of the details and instructions for the Flirtatious Table Topper & Pincushions here at The Moda Bake Shop.

It’s a fairly simple quilt, but I feel like a proud mom who just sent her baby off to school! Let me show you some more pictures of the table topper and pincushions. (Now I’m bragging) :-).

Flirtatious Hearts by Julie Cefalu of The Crafty Quilter

flirt quilt on tree copy  pincushion front copy

 pincushion back

Flirt pincushions at The Crafty Quilter

Here’s some of the quilting details:

Flirtatious Quilting Detail at The Crafty Quilter

Flirtatious quilting details at The Crafty Quilter

Flirtatious quilting details at The Crafty Quilte

Thanks again for visiting!.  I’ll be back tomorrow with another sweet little project just in time for Valentine’s Day.  You won’t want to miss it!

Julie Siggy-1

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  1. Julie, I followed your link to Moda, but couldn’t find any info for the Valentine table topper which I’d lime to make.

  2. What cute patterns. Thank you, thank you, thank you! You are a creative lady! You should feel like a proud mommma. Great job! Hearts are one of my favorite things. I’m collecting pincushion patterns to make for the boutique for our next guild quilt show and this is definitely at the top.

  3. Two beautiful projects!! Really excited for you and I’m definitely going to do these. I might even send you a picture! Well done you and you have every reason to be proud XX

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