
Sew Thankful Sunday: 02-10-2013

Sew Thankful Sunday at The Crafty QuilterWelcome to Sew Thankful Sunday!  I have so much to share with you today that I am sew thankful for.  I love the notion of “paying it forward” and this is my way of passing along all of the awesomeness that I have found in cyberspace this past week.

Are you ready for some more hearts?  February is just full of them!  Let’s start with this beautiful Twisting Heart Valentine from Freemotion by the River:

Twisting Heart Valentine Tutorial at Freemotion by the River

If you’re familiar with the “Lil Twister Tool“, you’ll know how fun and easy this really is.  Thanks, Connie for the great tutorial!

If you’re looking for a project that is quick and small but is big on cuteness, have a look at this Heart Pot Holder made by A Spoonful of Sugar

Heart Pot Holder at A Spoonful of Sugar

I want one of my own!  I’m sure I have just the right fabric too :-).

Another small project that would be perfect for your valentine is this adorable Heart Mug Rug from the Fat Quarter Shop:

Heart Mug Rug Pattern
Heart Mug Rug Free Pattern by Debbie Taylor for Fat Quarter Shop

It’s so pretty and delicious looking.  I think I’ll have to make some cookies to go with it!

And if you like your hearts “scrappy”, check out this Sweetheart Quilt Block at Sew Mama Sew!

Sweetheart Quilt Block by Lindsey Rhodes for Sew Mama Sew!

This bright and cheery 12″ block was designed by Lindsey Rhodes.  You can find more inspiration and quilty goodness at her blog, LRstitched.

Are you familiar with the Ezine, Fat Quarterly?  Their latest issue (#12) is full of ideas for using up those pre-cuts that are so irresistible.

Issue 12 - Pre-Cuts
Fat Quarterly Issue 12 – Pre-Cuts

There are so many beautiful projects and ideas in this issue for 5″ charm squares, 10″ layer cakes, fat quarter bundles and jelly rolls.  You’ll want to check it out here!

And speaking of pre-cuts, the Moda Bakeshop is full of them.  And guess whose project is being featured TOMORROW!  Yes, mine!


I have made a Flirtatious Heart Table Topper and Pincushions using one pack of charm squares.  It will be “debuting” February 11 and I hope you’ll stop by the Moda Bakeshop to take a look!

Flirtatious Hearts at the Moda BakeshopI’m so excited to be one of their newest “chefs”.  You can always find beautiful projects there along with the full tutorials and it’s all free!

Thanks for stopping by today and stay tuned for the next lesson in my Applique Series!

Julie Siggy-1


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  1. Yippee…I love your Moda Bake Shop project!!! It looks like such fun, and your sample has your brilliant quilting to set it off. Can’t wait for tomorrow, to see how it’s done. Thanks for sharing the other links as well…so much good stuff there!

  2. Oh Julie … I am constantly in awe of you and your energy and use of time … I love being able to benefit from your ideas, clear tips and findings … thank-you for so generously always sharing.

  3. Can’t wait to visit the Bakeshop and see your tutorial – how exciting! I look forward to your blogs as there are always fun things to try. Thanks!

  4. Julie,
    Thanks for all the great information and ideas. I look forward to reading your blog each week, I am always pleasantly surprised at all the items you are working on and the great ideas that you pass on. Keep up the good work. Anne

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