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Sew Thankful Tuesday… 07.23.2013

Well, it’s a little late, so we’ll call it Sew Thankful Tuesday for today!  If you’re new to my blog, I usually have a Sew Thankful Sunday post each week but I was at a quilting retreat this weekend and I missed the previous Sunday due to the Christmas in July Blog Hop.

So, let’s get to this week’s six items that I am sew thankful for!  Remember, you can click on any of the images and they will take you to the associated link.

1.  Amy at 13 Spools gives a great explanation of how to use pearl cotton in your sewing machine to quilt with.  This can add so much “punch” to your quilting!  You can find her tutorial here.

quilt with pearl cotton
How to Machine Quilt with Pearl Cotton @ 13 Spools

2.  Melissa at Happy Quilting is hosting the Star Surround Quilt Along and it’s looking like one that will be hard to resist!  The quilt-a-long will include 5 different sizes for the star surround block giving you multiple layout options.  You can check out the full schedule here.

stars around qal sea breeze
Star Surround QAL in Sea Breeze @ Happy Quilting

stars around qal 3.  Linen is pretty popular right now, and the Craftsy Blog has come up with some tips and tricks for quilting with linen.  You can get the scoop here.

Linen Baby Quilt
Quilted Linen Baby Quilt by Angela @ Fussy Cut

4.  I love a good bumper sticker, and the Quilty Pleasures blog (from Quiltmaker) has come up with a list of The Best Bumper Stickers for Quilters!  Check it out here!

Image Source: Quilty Pleasures Blog

5.  While you’re at the Quilty Pleasures blog, make sure to check out the Quiltmaker’s Block Network!  This is a new feature offering video tutorials from Quiltmaker’s 100 Blocks Magazine.  They give step-by-step instructions, perfect for new quilters, and some tips and tricks for any skill level.

quiltmakers block netwrok6.  I really enjoy the patterns of Margot Languedoc (from The Pattern Basket) and she has just released a free pattern called Butterkissed.

Butterkissed Free Pattern bIt looks so sweet!  And so are her other patterns.  She has just released quite a few new ones that I can’t wait to try.  I think Strawberry Social might be my favorite:

Strawberry Social NEW COVER

I’ll be back with some snippets from my quilting retreat last weekend.  Enjoy the rest of your week!

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  1. I purchased the pattern for the “Quilter’s Pincushion and Threadcatcher.” I just finished sewing the “inside seam cover” and am now ready to finish the project. However, I don’t understand how to finish the bottom of the basket. “Flatten the corners and sew across diagonally …….” What corners?

  2. That strawberry quilt is simply divine. I have just had a Strawberry tea in aid of Breast cancer and that would have been a stunning prize!!

  3. Thank you for posting about quilting with embroidery thread!! I am gonna try that!! How pretty that is!! I also love The Pattern Basket quilts! I just ordered Strawberry Social and shhhhh…..I am making that for my daughter-in-law for Christmas!! The Butterkissed pattern is adorable and any butterfly lover would be thrilled to received that!!

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