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Fat Quarter Shop BOM Month 5

I just finished up the fifth block of Fat Quarter Shop’s 2013 Designer Mystery BOM.

Fat Quarter Shop's 2013 BOM, Block 5
Fat Quarter Shop’s 2013 BOM, Block 5, Made by Julie Cefalu

This is such a sweet little block!  I followed the instructions exactly, and it turned out great.  So, I don’t have any tips or changes to give you on this one.  It was much easier than it looked at first.

Fat Quarter Shop's 2013 BOM, Block 5, Made by Julie Cefalu
Fat Quarter Shop’s 2013 BOM, Block 5, Made by Julie Cefalu

The yellow “hollow” square in the background was made as part of a flying geese unit for the star points and a simple pieced unit for the outside corners.  How clever!

Fat Quarter Shop's 2013 BOM, Block 5, Made by Julie CefaluI feel like I’ve been sewing up a storm, without much to show for it.  But, I did snap a picture of this pillow I made for my daughter Sara.

chevron pillow from The Crafty Quilter
Chevron Pillow made by Julie Cefalu

It’s now with her at college and it matches her bed perfectly!  (Sigh of relief, since I was just going by a vague description of light blue).  Here’s the backside which has a hidden zipper:

Sara's Pillow backI love the fabric on the back!  It’s been in my stash a while and it’s called Heirloom by Joel Dewberry for Westminster Fibers.

That’s it for today.  I hope you all have a great week.  I’ll be flying to Austin, Texas on Thursday and then to San Diego on Monday to visit two of my kids.  See you next week!

Julie Siggy-1

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  1. Julie, this block is soooo pretty (and a little intimidating) but I just love that Avalon. Haven’t gotten any yet though… Lucky you, Houston meaning Quilt Market? I would love to hear all about it. Besides pictures I don’t really know how it works!

  2. I love the block. You do everything pretty! I am truly happy for people like you that can accomplish so much including traveling!! Enjoy your trip and your family as there seems to be enough time for that!

  3. The block is great! Love the pillow design. I make pillows all the time and this one would be nice to make. Thanks

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