Wishing you a Happy Mother’s Day

Happy Mother’s Day! After recently spending time with all of my children, grandchildren and my own mom, it really makes me appreciate this day even more. I’ve learned so much from my own kids and love seeing the amazing adults they have turned into. Watching one of my daughters become a loving and patient mother herself is icing on the cake.

Happy Mother's Day from Julie at The Crafty Quilter

I know that Mother’s Day is a time of celebration for most, but it can be a time of reflection or sadness for some. It may have no meaning at all, and that’s OK, too. For me, it’s a good excuse to be with my kids who are nearby. We’re going to a local winery and spending the afternoon together – no cooking or cleaning for me!

I think now is a good time to sprinkle in a few photos of my little grands. You guys are so sweet about indulging me, and who could resist a baby on a quilt or a toddler on a swing?

Happy Mother's Day from Julie @ The Crafty Quilter.
Clara with her Aunt Sara
Happy Mother's Day from Julie @ The Crafty Quilter.
Amelia, 3 years old

Amelia and Clara are so full of energy, it’s impossible to get a picture of both of them together, eyes open and in focus. I tried many times, but it’s an impossible task. More important, was the time I spent with each of them. Playing, reading, baking, creating, and lots of giggling. The best!

My own mom is a few hours drive away. I was able to see her last weekend during their 70th wedding anniversary celebration. They are still very much in love and were so happy to have all of their friends and family together to celebrate. We had a big party for them – my parents can party like nobody’s business! The only picture I had taken on my phone was the one below. It was the end of the night and we’re still smiling (and standing)!

Happy Mother's Day from Julie @ The Crafty Quilter.

I hope you’re having a wonderful Mother’s Day, and thanks for allowing me into your virtual space! I’ll be back on Wednesday with a few announcements of fun things to come this summer.

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  1. Happy Belated Mother’s Day to you too Julie. You are right! No one can resist a beautiful baby on a quilt and swing! Those beautiful tresses flowing in the air. Your parents look so happy. It is a true blessing to have parents to share memories with. I am happy that all of you had such a nice time together. Thank you for sharing Julie.

  2. Don’t they grow fast. I think my great grands grow faster than all of the. I had a great day too. You mom and dad still look good, glad you still have yours.

  3. The love you put into your quilts flows from the love you put (and receive!) from your family! Beautiful pictures and precious family!

  4. Julie, I love seeing the pictures of your family! I think that’s what makes blogs so special, we get a glimpse into other people’s lives, especially in other countries. As well as all the great quilts and information. It made me laugh that amelia wouldn’t look at the camera for the photo! We have a family Easter holiday every year, with my husbands brother and sister, and six cousins. We have been doing it since they were babies, and they are now all late teens, and in all these growing up years, we never managed a photo with all the kids cooperating! There is always one hiding or making a silly face! Such is family life!! xxx

  5. What a beautiful family you have! It is a great pleasure to see all of you, this is a special post!

  6. Thanks for sharing—such a beautiful family and how wonderful for your your parents to be close by and able to spend time together. My daughter returned form Italy with her boy friend this week —I mean NOW fiancé as she got engaged. It was a wonderful weekend. Happy Mother’s Day !

  7. What a wonderful day you had. I envy you your large family. Your Mom and Dad, wow 70 years! They look like a lot of fun! Thanks for sharing.

  8. Julie,
    Without all of these wonderful and very special family celebrations we would not have
    ” Mothers Day” . Thank you for sharing your family with me. I know that it was a great time and so many memories…

  9. Julie, thank U for sharing moments with your family, you are so blessed.
    Happy mother’s Day to you too.

  10. Happy Mother’s Day! I know you will treasure it always… Mr. Crafty Quilter took a great family picture!

  11. What a special family you have! You are so lucky to still have your parents to cherish and love and have fun with

  12. What a darling family! The grands are beautiful!
    Thanks for sharing and a wonderful day to all the mommies out there

  13. Happy Mother’s Day. You have such a sweet, giving heart, you nurture us all. I appreciate all you share of your quilting knowledge. Have a great day with your family and hope you are pampered all day. Love the pics!!

  14. Julie, can you help me please? I have a 1945 quilt with the binding in tatters. Should I take the old binding off before replacing it? Appreciate your help.

  15. Oh my, what a blessed little girl are you! Having so many people in your life and family! Thanks for sharing your story, and the pictures! I can’t imagine a SEVENTY wedding anniversary!
    Happy, happy Mother’s Day to you!

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