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May UFO challenge winners

There are still some of you that are saying “Goodbye UFO’s” for 2016!  We saw some beautiful finishes in May’s UFO link up.  Well done those of you that participated!  There were a total of 31 finishes this month which is down from the previous months count.  Isn’t that how it goes?  We start off strong at the beginning of the year and then life gets busy(er)!

Hello 2016, Goodbye UFO's


The winners were picked randomly and the first prize goes to Melissa E. (#24) who finished a beautiful t-shirt quilt for her niece’s graduation from law school.

Ashless law school grad quilt
T-shirt Quilt made by Melissa E.


The second winner is Sharon B. (#10) who finished this adorable Porch Cats Pillow.

porch cats pillow
Porch Cats Pillow made by Sharon B.


Both winners will receive a fat quarter bundle, Block Magazine, TQS coupon and 2 spools of thread.

May prize package 2


Now are you inspired to complete that UFO this month?  I hope you can work on something that needs finishing, even if it’s just one step in the process.  For some, it will be a bonus if you don’t ADD to your UFO pile!  One of the items on my list is to organize my scraps.  That will be my project for June.  With a big vacation and a graduation this month, that’s about all I can handle.

Congratulations and thanks for participating in the Hello 2016, Goodbye UFO’s challenge everyone!  I’ll be back in the next day or two with a new quilt block tutorial for you!

Julie 176 x 116

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  1. Congratulations to the winners. They both completed great projects. Thanks for your inspiration, I have enjoyed checking things off my list.

  2. Hi Julie:
    I was so surprised to see the needlepoint pillow of Porch Cats on your UFO email. I too just finished that needlepoint design a couple of months ago, after putting it aside four years ago when my husband died. Because I was so busy with all my added responsibilities, I had no time to do handwork.

    It looks terrific as a pillow, on your web site. I haven’t decided whether mine will be a pillow or a framed picture. It’s for my cat-loving daughter-in-law in Portland OR.

    I tried to copy and paste the photo (still surrounded by the canvas), but it won’t paste onto this email. Thanks for choosing Sharon B’s project. Perhaps she feels like I do — that it was a tedious project because the color shadings painted on the canvas were hard to distinguish.

  3. I was so mad at myself — I had my pictures to go and totally forgot to upload –remembering on June 8 while sitting at my desk at work !!!! Grrrr Congrats to the winners. I’ll be early next month

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