July UFO & WIP Challenge winner and August prize

We have a winner for the July UFO & WIP Challenge! It goes to #31, Chris at Chris Knits Sews. She made this beautiful quilt as part of my Disappearing 9-patch Quilt Along. Congratulations, Chris!

July UFO & WIP Challenge winner is Chris at Chris Knits Sews
Disappearing 9-patch by Chris @ Chris Knits Sews

There were a total of 42 finished projects in July’s challenge. Well done guys! I’m glad you’re still motivated at the mid-year point.

August prize

The prize for the August challenge is a Cherry Pickin’ Table Runner kit by Me and My Sister Designs for Moda, compliments of me and my stash! It includes fabric, pattern and template to make this adorable table runner.

August 2019 UFO & WIP Challenge prize @ The Crafty Quilter

To enter the challenge, all you need to do is finish any UFO (unfinished object) or WIP (work in process) this month and add a photo of your project to the link up which will be posted on August 31. It’s open for one week, and then I randomly choose a number from the link up to be that month’s winner.

My project for August is to finish and gift the Busy Book for my granddaughter, Amelia. It’s been a labor of love, and I’ll be glad to have it done so I can get on with my other “normal” quilting projects.

If you’ve been picking UFO projects based on the All People Quilt UFO Challenge, this month’s number on the list is 9. I like the way they run their challenge by making a list of 12 UFO’s and then picking a number randomly each month to determine what to work on. I started off the year following that process, but it’s hard to keep up with my schedule and deadlines.

Thanks to everyone who has participated in my challenge so far this year. You can join in at any time, and get those projects done and cross them off your “to do” list!

Happy quilting!

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  1. I am just finishing up the summer wall hanging BOM from 2018 . It really is pretty but was a challenge for me. My sunflower blocks turned out to be too wide and I had to go back and adjust seam allowances on other blocks to match up. `

  2. How fun! Thank you so much!! For August it’s time to quilt a wall hanging top I made last year. I might need to do all quilting in 2020 from all the tops I am making this year and not quilting.

  3. Your book is so special and I am sure that it will be well loved. Thank you so much for your inspiration and sharing your talents. I am working on finishing projects and will link up a project this month.

  4. Congrats to Chris and a VERY cute book. I’m off tomorrow and hope to get my UFO done.I ordered some flannel backing from the FQS for my Disappearing-9 Patch, can wait to get this quilted.

  5. Congrats to Chris! I really loved the disappearing 9 patch and of course, that cute adorable book.

  6. Love the book for your granddaughter….did you come up with a way to put it together so you could add more pages if needed?

  7. Julie, I keep forgetting to ask: do we check in with you at the beginning of the month to tell you which project we’ll be working on?

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