
Upcoming blog hop and catching up

Hey everyone! Time flies when you’re having fun. And I have been having fun! New quilt projects, teaching classes and travels to visit family have been gobbling up the month of January. This means I have some catching up to do here, but first, I want to let you know about an upcoming blog hop that I’m participating in.

Villa Rosa Designs has just kicked off the Fast & Fun Blog Hop and it’s full of easy and beautiful quilt projects featuring patterns from their VRD Rose Cards. These patterns are post-card sized, affordably priced and designed with precuts in mind. I have been a fan of them for a long time!

Each day of the blog hop, participating bloggers will share the quilts they made with their chosen “Rose Card”. AND you will earn a chance to win some great prizes at each blog! All you have to do is hop from blog to blog every day from January 19th through January 26th to see which quilt each blogger made and to find out how to register for prizes on each blog. My day is January 25, so make sure to come visit me then!

Here’s the full schedule for the Fast & Fun Blog Hop:

01/19/23 ThursdayVilla Rosa Designs – https://villarosaquilts.com
01/20/23 FridayMichelle Cain – http://frombolttobeauty.blogspot.com
Kathleen McCormick – https://www.kathleenmcmusing.com
Jennifer/Scott for Jaftex – https://scottfortunoff.com
01/21/23 SaturdayWendy Tuma – https://www.piecefulthoughts.com
Diann Bottrell – https://littlepenguinquilts.blogspot.com
Keepsake Quilting – https://www.keepsakequilting.com/blogs/keepsake-quilting-blog
01/22/23 SundayTricia Maloney – https://quiltwithaview.blogspot.com
Sandra Jane Walker – https://www.mmmquilts.com
01/23/23 MondayCheryl Parker – https://cherylsteapots2quilting.blogspot.com
Leanne Parsons – https://www.devotedquilter.com
Lori Thompson for QOVF – https://www.qovf.org
01/24/23 TuesdayBernie Kringel – https://needleandfoot.com
Joy Lamphere – https://shout4joy-shouting.blogspot.com
Diane for Electric Quilt – https://doyoueq.com/blog
01/25/23 WednesdayJulie Cefalu – https://thecraftyquilter.com
Jo Kramer – http://www.joscountryjunction.com
Cindy Pieters – https://www.stitchinathome.com
01/26/23 ThursdayVilla Rosa Designs Wrap Up Post

I recently updated a blog post from last year about the SandPiper Project. They are an organization that serves children diagnosed with critical diseases through parternships with MakeAWish Oregon Chapter, MakeAWish Alaska & Washington Chapter, MakeAWish Idaho Chapter, the Ronald McDonald House, Children’s Cancer Association, and Camp UKANDU. They serve with a pure heart and appreciate any and all donations including quilts, UFO’s, fabric and notions. If you’ve been cleaning out the sewing closets, this might be a win/win! Visit the SandPiper Project for more information.

I have four (in-person) classes on the winter schedule at The Granary Quilt Shop in Sunnyvale, CA. If you’re in the area and want to learn free motion quilting or machine applique, I’d love to see you in class. I’m also teaching two classes using my patterns Arrow Stone and Possibilities where I share all of my best tips and tricks for fast and efficient piecing with my students. I’m co-teaching the Garden Variety BOM as well, and there is still room for a few more!

I have been working on the sweetest little pincushion tutorial for you guys. I can’t wait to show you! This will be a fast project that you’ll want to make for yourself and anyone else who likes to sew. It will be ready on February 1st. Here’s a sneak peak:

We’ll be heading to Texas this weekend to visit our grandkids. I can’t wait to see them. Once I return, I will be diving into new quilt patterns and finishing up some UFO’s. I’ll become a “tax widow” until the end of April – Mr. Crafty Quilter is a tax accountant – which leaves me with a lot of “me” time. That translates into more quilting and blogging!

Thanks for reading. I’ll see you on Wednesday, January 25, for the Villa Rosa Design’s Fast & Fun Blog Hop!

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  1. The Villa Rosa Blog Hop is a blast! I have had a ton of people stop by. Can’t wait to see yours and that little tutorial coming up looks perfect!

    1. Thank you for the binding instructions and pictures. Very helpful. I will be trying stitching close to the edge of the bindingbon the front next time.

  2. Julie,
    The Garden Variety BOM is really cute. One day when I am up in the area I am going to stop by the Granary! We were driving by Sunnyvale back in September, but it was an hour before the shop opened. Enjoy your visit in Texas giving hugs to all your grandchildren!

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