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My current quilting projects (WIP’s)

I have a lot of quilting projects underway and I thought I would give you an update. Sew many projects, SEW little time! I’m sure many of you can relate. I want to do and make all the things!

I’m in awe of those that only have one project going at a time. Which means there’s no UFO’s on top of that! My brain works a little differently. Here’s my scenario: I start something and then:

  • Another project gets priority over that one, and then
  • I find this new, great technique that I have to try, and then
  • It’s Spring and I should make something for the entry table, and then
  • Someone is having a baby, and then
  • I need a quilt sample for this class I’m teaching, and then…. Oh, gosh!
  • My UFO list just keeps growing.

That is the life of a quilter (did someone say quilt addict?) Haha! And let’s not get started with the other hobbies I love and don’t have time for: knitting, crocheting and card making. Anyhow, I have lots of things to show you today!

My current quilting projects for 2024 are many!

Kona Sampler BOM

I couldn’t resist enrolling in the Kona Sampler BOM at my local quilt shop, The Granary. Each month we get a kit with the block pattern, fabrics and a coordinating Kona Charm Pack and Aurifil Thread Builder set (not pictured). This month’s color is in the purple/violet range.

Month 3 of the Kona Sampler Solids BOM.

Also included in the class is information on color theory and a piecing demo of the block along with tips. And then we get a bonus project and a challenge project. This month, the bonus project that Carol (our teacher) designed uses foundation paper piecing. She also gave us a demonstration on her technique and another pattern to try it out on (which I can’t wait to try).

I’ve already pieced and quilted the first two blocks from the Kona Sampler BOM. I’m planning to “quilt as you go” each block and then join them together at the end. I found the perfect stencil in my stash that fits the block perfectly. It’s a 4″ orange peel, SCL-027-12 from The Stencil Company. I used my favorite Adger Blue Water Erasable Fabric Marker to trace the stencil. You can find them on Amazon as a 12-pack, or you can purchase them from The Stencil Company here. In the photos below, the blue stencil lines are still there; I just need to spritz them with water and they’ll disappear.

Quilting orange peels on Month 1 of the Kona Sampler Solids block.
Quilting orange peels on Month 2 of the Kona Sampler Solids block.

Red & Cream BOM

I’m also co-teaching a BOM class at The Granary and we’re using the Red & Cream Sampler pattern by Fig Tree Quilts. I’m making my blocks with blue and white (cream) fabric. The first six blocks are finished and I really like how they turned out. I can’t wait to see how the finished quilt looks!

Blocks 1 through 6 of the Red & Cream Sampler BOM. Pattern by Fig Tree Quilts, blocks made by Julie Cefalu.
Red & Cream Sampler Blocks (done in blue and cream) by Julie Cefalu

2024 Bonus Scrap Project

I’m not sure what to call this yet, but I’ve given my BOM class a bonus project to work on throughout the year. I love using leaders and enders in all of my piecing, and I like having precut squares (or rectangles) that I use for my leaders and enders. That way, I’m piecing together a scrappy quilt as I make my other projects. If this doesn’t make sense to you, read my blog post Efficient quilting with leaders and enders.

So, this year, I’m cutting fabric scraps from each of my sampler blocks into squares that will eventually become 9-patches. If anyone is interested, I can do a separate blog post with instructions on this one. The photo below gives you an idea of what it looks like.

Scrap project for 2024 uses squares as leaders and enders @ The Crafty Quilter

Piece & Quilt Sampler

I’m participating in the Piece & Quilt Sampler QAL at Fat Quarter Shop. As a participating blogger, I get to work ahead (at least that’s the plan). I’d like to stay several months in front of this one, so I need to get busy! I have my fabric all starched and pressed, and the first set of blocks made. You can see a peak of some of my blocks below.

Shoofly Blocks from the Piece and Quilt Sampler

Flange binding tutorial

I’m in the process of photographing the steps to make a flanged binding. This is an easy way to add a little pizazz to your binding finish. I’m using a wall hanging that I made several years ago as a sample for the binding tutorial. I’ve been meaning to finish it with binding, so this is the perfect opportunity to get it done and show you how to create a beautiful binding with flange! You can see what it looks like in the corner of the quilt below. I made a test strip to see how it would look.

Getting ready for a flange binding tutorial @ The Crafty Quilter

Happy Easter Wall Hanging

This cute little project has a deadline! I love the combination of applique and embroidery, and this wall hanging has them both. The pattern came from Jacquelynne Steves’ The Art of Home Club from a few years ago. This membership currently has a waitlist, but it will open again soon. She always has the cutest seasonal projects with a large variety of types and sizes.

Happy Easter Wall Hanging progress by Julie Cefalu.  Pattern by Jacquelynne Steves.

Knitted Cowl

I’m a very beginner knitter, so I’m a little embarrassed to show you the Ombre Cowl I’m working on. I made the mistake of not testing my gauge before I started, and after knitting the first few inches I decided to tightened up my tension. This is definitely a learning project! My stitches are uneven and it’s just a mess. I’m determined to get through this in the hopes that the next project will be much better.

Knitted Cowl progress

Something for March

This next project is NOT something I’m currently working on, but I wanted to share it with you because it’s so timely. (What do you know, I’m showing some restraint!) Joanna Figueroa of Fig Tree Quilts just posted this FREE Lucky Shamrock Block and I think it’s so darn cute! Believe me, if I didn’t have so much going on…

Lucky Shamrock Block by Joanna Figueroa of Fig Tree Quilts.
Lucky Shamrock Block courtesy of Joanna Figueroa of Fig Tree Quilts

There you have it – my current quilting projects for the first quarter of 2024. March has been cold and wet in my area of California which makes the best quilting weather. I love staying inside where it’s cozy so I can work on all of these WIP’s. But Spring Fever will be showing up any day, so I’m trying to stay focused! Thankfully, every season has it’s benefits and I love the variety of them all.

Happy quilting and whatever else you enjoy doing!

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  1. Oh my, Julie! I thought that I had a full plate, but I think that you have me beat with one that is heaping!! It’s amazing how new projects are always so enticing!!

  2. I always love to see what you are doing. Thank you. FYI, Julie. Those blue water erasable pens are no longer available on Amazon. And they are not sure they will be again. Do you have another source?

  3. Yes, please share your leaders and enders nine patch quilt. Nine patches seem to be my go to block. And I love the oon point of yours.

  4. What color thread did you use for the orange peel quilting? I’m about to start something with similar solid colors and white, and am wondering if I should use invisible, which I don’t like much.

  5. Julie,
    You aptly described a whole lot of us and all of our projects we have going on! Oh, but it is so fun to be so creative! I think your knitted project looks great! I look forward to your flange binding tutorial.

  6. Wow, you are busy. I love the blue blocks, blue is my favorite color. I would like a blog post on your project with leaders and enders. Thanks for sharing your projects.

  7. You are singing my song. I don’t apologize for all the WIPs in my sewing room any more. Mine exist for very similar reasons. lol. Here’s to all of those quilters that can’t sew as fast as their brains create new ideas and plans. You are my people:)

  8. OMG Julie … you leave me in awe … you are such a fountain of creativity … and energy! I would like to eat what you are eating please 😉 … but seriously, thank-you for sharing all your inspirations. x

  9. Love all your projects. I operate the same way you do. Never get caught up. Maybe that’s the beauty of quilting and knitting and etc.
    Keeps are brains active and we always have something to do. I don’t think I’ve ever been bored.. Love those shamrocks, See, you just gave me another project idea. Stay busy.

  10. Julie, love your sharing project to project to project….so many projects sew little time. I just finished two fun dog quilts for my grown sons in honor of their precious pups combining patterns by Elizabeth Hartman and Stacy lest Hsu; a baby quilt, Oh My Stars with photos of baby and his siblings using Pat Sloan’s pattern; and have six other quilts and wallhangings in process. Finishes are huge wins, almost as fun a win as a new project start!
    Thanks for all your inspiration.

  11. Was so glad to read this about all your multiple quilt projects! That is exactly what happens to me!!! So glad to know I’m not the only one with this “problem?”. And like you, it’s not only quilt projects, but knitting, scrapbooking, cardmaking, etc.

  12. Don’t be so hard on yourself with your knitting. We all start somewhere. I am an expert in ripping out and starting over. That is a pretty pattern and when it is draped you won’t even notice your tension. Unfortunately, you can’t turn a dial to adjust your tension in knitting. All your projects turn out so beautifully. This will come in time. My 11 month old Dachshund got into some very expensive yarn and had a grand time running all around the house. Good thing she is so sweet. I now have one more project….sound familiar? Take care, Julie.

  13. Julie you certainly have a lot on your plate. Loving all the projects, especially the Kona solid project. So many ideas to think about. I can only manage one or two at a time.
    Thank you for all the lovely ideas.

  14. Keep knitting! Don’t be discouraged by uneven stitches. When the project is done, lay it out to block it. Ater it has been heavily spritzed with water, the stitches will miraculously even out! Never skip the blocking!

  15. I’m so glad to find out I’m not the only one juggling multiple projects. I currently am working on a quilt, cross stitch and embroidery projects. Plus, my squirrel brain is trying to figure out what it can make with the leftovers of the quilt. I just love the colors and have enough fabric left for another quilt. You definitely have many more projects in the works than me, but it is fun having so much creativity to choose from. Enjoy!!

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