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Candy corn flowers applique

I’ve been playing with some candy corn flowers applique recently, and that led to the creation of a new, fall table runner.  It still needs to be quilted, but I wanted to show you sooner rather than later.

Candy Corn Flowers Applique - a little tutorial from The Crafty Quilter


I don’t have a full tutorial for you, but I’ll share how I made the candy corn flowers.  I stitched a strip of orange, yellow and white fabric together to create a strip set.  Then I traced a triangle onto fusible web (Heat ‘n Bond lite) and placed it onto the wrong side of the strip set.  I cut out the candy corn triangles and then fused them onto some background fabric to create a flower.  A little zig zag around the edges and it was done!  For a full tutorial on applique, see my applique series here.

Candy Corn Flowers Applique - a little tutorial from The Crafty Quilter

Candy Corn Flowers Applique - a little tutorial from The Crafty Quilter


I started with a 60° triangle and then decided to make it more narrow.  I brought the two lower edges in by 1/2″ to get my triangle size.  You can see the original triangle in the upper photo.  From there, you can make it as tall or short as you want.

I rounded the corners of the triangles to make it more candy corn-like.  The buttons will get added on after the quilting is finished.  To get the most use of my fabric, I alternated the direction of the triangles when cutting them out.  This gave me two slightly different candy corns.  One with orange as the predominant color and one with white as the main color.

I also changed the size of the strips to make a smaller flower from the candy corn.  The background fabric squares are 8 1/2″ for the large flower and 5 1/2″ for the small.  I decided to set them into traditional quilt blocks which measure 12 1/2″ unfinished.

Candy Corn Flowers Applique - a little tutorial from The Crafty Quilter

Candy Corn Flowers Applique - a little tutorial from The Crafty Quilter


I stitched three of the blocks together and made a table runner.  All of this was made from my newly organized scraps.   I love being organized!  Now it’s time for some quilting.

Candy Corn Flowers Applique - a little tutorial from The Crafty Quilter


I’ve also been doing some fall decorating around the house.  I’ll show you that next week.  Remember, there’s still time to enter the I Love Home BOM giveaway for month 2. Just leave me a comment there to enter.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend!


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  1. Great candy corn runner – I was just looking at some of the candy on Wed. Also from a former post – I noted the dates for Quilting in the Garden for next year since It combines some of my interests and activities. Thanks

  2. Its a beautiful table runner perfect for the season. your BOM -I love home colors are fab. Thanks for the fall decorations inspiration. Love your blog. Enjoy following your blog.

  3. Julie, those candy cane flowers are so cute. Thanks for showing us how you made them. Also, I love your “I love home block” . When you said you were going to make a block for each season, I envisioned something totally different and I wondered how that would look, but now I see what you meant…each house was going to reflect a season but the border fabrics would stay the same color. OK, now I get it. (I’m not the sharpest knife in the drawer sometimes). 🙂 . Happy quilting!

  4. I love your new candy corn table runner – so darn cute! I’m glad you are enjoying the fruits of your organization labor! Thanks for sharing.

  5. this has worked so well, liking how you have made different sized flowers for each block. Still not started my I love home blocks must start this week

  6. Just too cute–and to think I was staring at the bags of candy corn while waiting at the check out line at the grocery store this morning–No, I didn’t come home with any 🙂

  7. Your “I Love Home” block is so pretty, I love your choice of colors. I also enjoy your blog posts. Thanks, Patty B.

  8. My wonderful, energetic 90 year old Mom LOVES candy corn, and she’s my biggest quilting fan. I’m going to make this runner for her.

  9. Cute candy corn flowers! You have a good eye for color! Wouldn’t the flowers be cute in other colors too: yellow, white and purple, or purple, white and lavender, or pastel pink, white and mint. I can see a myriad of color combination possibilities. I whole garden!

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